Title: 11. Odds and Ends Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 527 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 10. Precious Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 224 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 09. Broken Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 320 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 08. Shackles Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 270 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 07. Hold Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 174 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 06. Soft Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 145 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 05. Loved Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 119 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 04. Erratic Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 198 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 03. Futile Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 287 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 01. Dim Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 350 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW