Title: 21. Born Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 655 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 20. New Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 304 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 19. Alive Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 393 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 18. Push Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 100 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 17. Naked Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 289 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 16. Fight Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 347 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 15. Soothe Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 100 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 14. Echo Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 238 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 13. Twisted Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 100 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW
Title: 12. Tea Fandom: Kpop (Monsta X) Pairing: Kihyun/Wonho Word count: 198 Disclaimer: This is not real, this never happened. I don't know them and this is all fiction. Made up stuff. Notes: Table and information on LJ or DW