If you're fucking your dead brother's wife in order to get her pregnant so that your dead brother can have children you better not pull out and cum on the ground.
BU's writer's workshop. AMAZING. it's like a sequel lit meeting X a billion Aaaaaaaaaand there are actually y chromosomes. For once in my literary life sex is somewhat evenly distributed! Horray! There were jokes about dickinson! And our sarcastic advisor reminds me of the B-unit in a grad student and I sat across from a boy (christ, I can't
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So for my writing seminar my assignment is to write a poem in the style of Mark Doty, the poet we've been studying and then write a paper explaining how we mimiced his style... SO here I submit to you: critique is welcomed, esp if you're familiar with Doty's work
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Ah, I love college. love love love. I feel a little bit guilty, because so far I'm not all that homesick. like at all. I mean I miss my friends and my family, but I wouldn't go back home for the world...
I promise I'll have a more substantial update soon. For now, I've been procrastinating homework....
F is for fatidic. From god's lips to your ear. Perched like a gargoyle against the evening's alenglow, reading Neruda in Spanish to the twilight and to me Si me dejaras muriendo oh
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Oh, this city is mine and I am possessive. Oh this city is mine and I want her to surround me. Boston, Beantown swallow me whole! Finally I have found a place that is safe for me--Far away from my father and his good intentions, my mother and her mood swings. I Baltimore is my birth--and I am stuck forever weaving from lighted harbor to dark alley
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