Title: when a heart breaks Pairing: Woohyun/Sunggyu Word Count: 969 words Genre: Angst Rating: PG Summary: Ironically, a heart gets in the way of Woohyun and Sunggyu's love.
...this is just so lovely and perfect, i don't know how to give you a proper comment on it. it's just the ideal mix of emotions, perfect combination that makes it so bittersweet, so hard to deal with that you don't know whether you want to cry or not.
I don't know how Sunggyu could've accepted Woohyun's heart though O.O they were so in love, I know people give their lives for their loved ones, but that's mostly a spur of the moment thing, not planned.
anyway, angst is (almost) always good for me~ thank you~ (why am I so evil? D8)
Comments 6
i did. point for you.
thank you for such a beautiful piece of writing.
Never thought that this could make anyone cry. Thank you so much for reading. <3
I don't know how Sunggyu could've accepted Woohyun's heart though O.O they were so in love, I know people give their lives for their loved ones, but that's mostly a spur of the moment thing, not planned.
anyway, angst is (almost) always good for me~ thank you~ (why am I so evil? D8)
Actually, same! I like reading angst, too, because of the emotions portrayed. ^^
Anyway, thank you for reading! :)
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