Title: when a heart breaks Pairing: Woohyun/Sunggyu Word Count: 969 words Genre: Angst Rating: PG Summary: Ironically, a heart gets in the way of Woohyun and Sunggyu's love.
Title: Zoo Pairing: band!Fic, slight!Youngbae-centric Word Count: 2737 words Genre: Crack, Fluff Rating: G Summary: It's another day at the Big Bang zoo - I mean, dorm. Disclaimer: I am aware that this is not a completely original idea (there are lot of fics of this type floating around the Internet), so I apologize for any coincidences. ^^;;
Subject: Song Drabbles Pairings: Various pairings from Infinite Genres: Mix of Fluff and Angst A/N: This isn't the iPod Shuffle Drabble Challenge; I just felt like writing, and decided to make drabbles based on the songs I come across on shuffle. I used a longer amount of time than the song's duration to finish these. ^^
Title: Sweet Dreams Pairing: Myungsoo/Sungjong Word Count: 1537 words Genre: slight!Angst, Fluff Rating: G Summary: Myungsoo's heart almost stops when he realizes the maknae seems to have forgotten his birthday. A/N: It's a birthday fanfic for Myungsoo! Saengil Chukhahamnida! ^^~
Subject: iPod Shuffle Drabble Challenge Pairings: Various pairings from SHINee, Super Junior, UKISS, Big Bang, Boyfriend, and Infinite Genres: Mix of Fluff, Angst, Romance