Staying Alive, Stargate SG-1 - Survival

Jul 05, 2006 08:22

Title: Staying Alive
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Characters: General: Daniel/Jack, some Sam and Teal'c
Prompt: table 2, # 058 Survive
Word Count: 1506
Rating: PG-13 (for torture)
Summary: Daniel holds on, knowing that SG-1 will rescue him.

This is a part of the series developing here. I seem to be jumping all over chronologically. The right order to read them at this point is: Trust, Staying Alive (this one), Enigma, Stay, Kissing and The Truth of it. The ratings move between PG-13 and NC-17, for sex and violence.

My eighth ficlet for my 100_situations Table

Daniel groaned with the exertion it took to raise himself off the floor and back onto the little bench that was his only comfort in the tiny cell. As torture went, this wasn’t bad…there would be no marks…no bruising. The electric shock might cook him from the inside, but he’d die without the tell tale signs.

Not that he planned on dying. Jack would come. He only had to survive.

“All alone.” The voice slithered around the room, drooling from some hidden speaker he had yet to find. He moved a chained hand over his face. The shackles were thick, heavy and attached to chains long enough to allow him to stand and even take a few steps…but Daniel was too tired. He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes.

“So you keep telling me,” he said softly, though why he was talking to the voice was beyond him. It only ever led to more pain.

He had lost track of the time, between the bouts of unconsciousness and the endless voice telling him how alone he was and the shocks spasming through his body…it became a blur, a long, endless blur.

He had yet to see his captors, the cell offered him little information. He was blind, with no clues to their identity or their purpose beyond tormenting him. “Is this going to take much longer?” he asked into the air. “I really could use some sleep.”

He was rewarded with another jolt, weaker this time, not quite enough to knock him from the bench. He clutched at the chains to hold himself upright, concentrating on the yellow stone of the walls…on the weak light from under the cell door…anything but the ache in his stomach and the pounding in his head.

“You will die soon enough, why do you provoke the pain?”

“I suppose it’s just in my nature,” he responded through gritted teeth.

“It is most peculiar. Most give up long before now.”

“Well, I guess I’m just stubborn.”

“It has been days, if your friends were coming for you, they would have been here by now.”

“They are going to kick your ass.”

“I doubt that.”

The shock came again, strong, rattling Daniel off the bench, wrenching his injured shoulder enough that he yelled out in pain. The darkness was beckoning him again, slipping icy fingers through the fire of his skin and pulling him under. He was vaguely aware of the cell door opening, hands unlocking the shackles, his body being lifted…there was panic, fear…before he swallowed it and fought against the coming unconsciousness. Survival was the only important thing. Staying alive until the others came.

They would come. They always came. Never leave anyone behind. There was light, bright, unyielding light and noise, voices, a blur of words that made no sense…there was gunfire…was that gunfire? Daniel tried to see, but the light cut into him, made everything washed out and unreal. “Jack!” he tried to call out, but his voice sounded reedy and thin and the arms holding him crushed him, driving the air out of his lungs.

Then he was falling, the ground connecting with the injured shoulder and his already aching head. He fought to sit up, to see, but his abused body was yielding to the blackness and he couldn’t fight it any longer.

“He’s breathing, Sir.” Daniel could hear Carter’s voice, feel her cool hands on the pulse point at his neck.


“Jack?” Daniel opened his eyes, felt larger hands on his arm. Relief flooded him, but only momentarily as he heard the ongoing cacophony of explosions and gunfire around them. “Jack?”

Jack’s eyes met Daniel’s, filled with…was that fear? “Can you walk?”

Daniel looked away, his eyes sweeping up to Sam’s then down the length of his body. “I think so.”

Jack nodded tightly, then looked to Sam who was tenderly exploring Daniel’s bruised shoulder. “Should be okay to move him, Sir.”

“Major Reynolds, this Col. O’Neill. We’ve got him. We’re coming to you hot.”

“Roger that, Colonel. We’ll plow the road.”

Jack looked around them, then he and Sam helped Daniel sit up. All around them SG personnel were taking up flanking positions. “It’s now or never.” Jack said, hoisting Daniel to his feet. He wobbled for a minute, then nodded to Jack while Sam slipped an arm under his good shoulder.

It was more of a run for the gate than a walk and by the time they’d cleared the tree line, Reynolds was dialing the gate, Daniel was panting and Teal’c was bringing up the rear. Jack turned to the heavily breathing Daniel as the others started the evacuation. “Are you okay?”

Daniel nodded. “A few bumps and bruises, but I’ll be fine.”

Jack had that look in his eyes again, and Daniel blinked in surprise. Then Jack was himself again, grabbing his radio as Daniel and Sam made for the gate. “This is Col. O’Neill. We need a medical team to the gate room.”

Daniel glanced over his shoulder as Sam led him into the gate, watching as Jack and Teal’c trotted toward them, wondering what it was he’d seen in his friend’s eyes. Then he was through, on the other side, Sam handing him off to the orderly who all but lifted him onto the gurney and Doctor Frasier who smiled at him. “Welcome back, Dr. Jackson.”

“Thank you.”

“Let’s get him to the infirmary.”

It was almost two hours later before Daniel could convince Janet that he was fine, and at that she ordered him, and the rest of SG-1, to down time for at least a week. She gave him the go ahead to get dressed and stepped outside the room where he could hear her talking to Jack.

“He’s getting dressed.”

“You’re letting him go?”

“He’ll rest better at home.”

“He’s okay then?”

“He’s sore, and probably will be for a few days. The worst of his injuries is that shoulder. The concussion is already healing. He’s survived worse.”

Daniel smirked as he buttoned his shirt. She wasn’t wrong there. He’d died enough times he had given up counting them. He’d almost died even more times. But somehow he survived. Something always pulled him through. He looked up to find Jack looking at him from the doorway. Maybe it was someone who pulled him through. The aging Colonel watched him for a long moment and Daniel wondered what he was thinking.

“I’m going to give you a ride home.”

“I have my car.”

“Teal’c is bringing it. You shouldn’t drive.”

Daniel gave in easily, not really feeling up to arguing about it. “Okay.” He shuffled over to Jack, feeling the fatigue that the naps in between tests hadn’t begun to eradicate.

“What, no arguments?”

Daniel shook his head. “Nope. None.”

“Good.” Jack looked relieved and held the door as Daniel moved through it.

“I want to see you tomorrow.” Dr. Frasier said as he emerged into the hallway. “I should have the rest of the test results by then.”

Daniel nodded and followed Jack to the elevator. “Daniel, I-“ Jack shook his head as he started the car, as if he had thought better of saying something.

“What Jack?” Daniel was settled in the passenger seat, comfortable and sleepy. He wasn’t going to be able to stay awake much longer.

“You…you really need to stop getting into these situations.” Jack was looking at him, he could feel it. Daniel tried to open his eyes, but the weight of the last few days was resting heavily on them.

“I know,” he murmured, sleep making his words slur a little.

He felt the car begin to move. The quiet was peaceful, the hum of the engine just enough to purr into him. “Hey, Daniel.” He felt Jack’s hand on his thigh. It felt warm, comfortable.


“We’re here.”

Daniel started and looked up, startled to find them parked outside his house. “That was fast.”

Jack grinned at him, once more himself…Daniel wondered if he had imagined all the rest. “Come on, let’s get you inside so you can sleep.”

Daniel let Jack help him out of the car and into the house, but stopped him at the bedroom door. “I think I can handle it from here, Jack.”

He nodded and backed off a step. “Okay. If you need anything, call. I’ll be home all night.”

“It isn’t even noon, Jack.”

“I know…I’m just saying-“

“I’m fine, Jack. Nothing a little sleep won’t cure. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

“Right…tomorrow. You sure you don’t want me to-No, okay, I’m going.” Daniel watched as he backed away, turning once he was back in the living room and making his way for the front door.

The bed looked better than anything he’d seen in days as he pulled his clothes off and climbed into it. Every inch of his body ached and the tiredness sank deep into his bones. He drifted to sleep quickly, and into dreams of Jack’s hands burning against his skin.

character: daniel, character: jack, gen, fandom: sg1, stargate-sg1:generalseries:2:amara_m

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