I tried out
TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for
philot are close by:
- d3monwolf, taibu (300 - 350)
- neebu, furanon, p_squared, trent_soviet, drakkel, narcoleptickat, mallowrel, the_zookeeper, frenziewolf (350 - 400)
- jarjarmocos, sevakordran, drowdragon, sephebonblade, d00dle_f0x, sabrewing, emejn, cesarin, dragonrift (400 - 450)
- jinwicked, feanarth, flynn_thedragon, aneirin, kung_fu_hippie, cashewlou (450 - 500)
- geradexacondari, fantasygoat, preyfar, millerwolf, xzengrim, bromo, syrinoth, fengryu, unosuke, hirokidooby, jalen_dragon (500 - 550)
- brabusteraddy, prismaticsilver, sakura_merquise, spiritraptor, artificialgekko, itzafurrball, timoran, viperhalfdragon, winters_queen (550 - 600)
- firefrost, slinkoboy, domanz, fleischfest, lomie, ikieko, pinatspizza, chrontius, ultravioletbat, hypnodragon, ice_foxx, wannabepoet18, agnurlin, pattarchus, akuro, kjoery (600 - 650)
- christiancord, diwolfe, devlindreadwood, chrissawyer, cyberraptor, chaki_chan, pooldude24, altenia, atomicat, hevia, rosethorn789, blackwingdragon, sanguineaccord, evionvixen, shaminar, athus, sargeabernathy, phenee, wertle (650 - 700)
- cobaltie, strider_orion, karkovice, seekerofsoul, ralter, scullyraptor, boolean263, fionnaghala, schnee, neogeen, khaosdog, bonsi, metallivalli, athauglas, handtuch, oh_its_a_feh, kaerntner, perserker (700 - 750)
Created by ciphergoth; hosted by
TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends
list? Stoleded from
toumal >.>
Proper entry follows... later o.o