It seems it just wasn't my weekend. At least not airtravel-wise. After the problematic flight to Berlin on Friday, my return flight this morning was even more chaotic
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A couple more hours of work and then it's the weekend. And I won't be back at work until Tuesday. Yay! My plans for the weekend in chronological order: ( Read more... )
At the beginning of the year I committed to doing the 500 episodes in 2012 meme. I decided to only include stuff I've watched since posting about it the first time on January 9th. Things I'm rewatching will be marked by red letters. I'll try to give brief review of the episodes I've watched and rate them.
Are any of you guys on soundtracking? Looks like a fun way to share music and stay in touch. And to waste a lot of time playing on the internet :D Anyway, feel free to add me.