Take action now to reduce and manage your stress. Stabilize the amount of changes in your life and avoid unnecessary stress. Evaluate how you communicate, manage your commitments, and prioritize your time. Make stress-reducing lifestyle choices a priority: seek therapy or exercise
You are totally North Jersey! You really know the area and have Jersey pride. Chances are you just got back from being down the shore! Unless you're taking this test in wintertime in which case you just got back from Christmas shopping in Paramus. Unless it's Sunday, in which case... Hey how come I didn't see you in
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1. Sometimes when I look in the mirror I make weird faces to reassure myself that things could be worse 2. I like to eat white rice with ketchup 3. I will always, always, be in love with Eliza Dushku
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So I was moping about having to write my history paper and generally being an all-around crank about it, when I flipped to the front of my book and saw what Damian had wrote...I had totally forgotten all about it and it totally made my day.
Stone age Bronze age Ren. Industrial Rev. DANCE AGE
DKYeah, so I'm in love with an asshole who doesn't know
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At Fordham University, a Jesuit school in the Bronx, hauntings are reported throughout the campus. Finlay Hall is the site of a former medical school with a crematorium in the basement. Nearby Keating hall housed the morgue. Keating is said to be haunted by something that grabs students by the neck in their sleep
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