That's okay. You know how the streets are, of course..some chump is always out there trying to throw salt in your game and gank all the good Tupperware.
It's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from goin under.
It does if I don't have any caffeine for a few hours before, works like a charm.
Shoot, I was actually in Independence this morning, which is something I never do. I felt compelled to go to the mall and buy checkered Vans. A fool + money = soon parted.
The little things were what I always appreciated the most, not that I was ever really afraid or put off by the big things but there's nothing like that first moment when I grab her hand and it sinks into mine and it feels like it's all right, working out the entwining of fingers and a squeeze that's firm, that holds promise, the act itself having layer upon layer of importance.
You are a prize and don't let any of those fuckers out there tell you any different else I'll have to go over there all alker Texas Ranger style on those people.
And thank you for liking my sentence. It likes you too. It told me so.
My grandpa will probably send me a check, so I guess I can't say that I'm not getting anything. Other than that, my family is a bunch of slackers and money's tight around here right now.
I guess I sound selfish or materialistic, but I'm not. I'm not the kind of person who needs presents to be happy.
And I know you don't need presents to be happy, but I still know what it's like to not get stuff on your birthday and how much it just feels like people don't care enough to bother, too.
Comments 121
I'll fly away
To a home on God's celestial shore
I'll fly away"
I love that song, and was just singing along with it on the radio the other day.
Sorry to hear 'bout your tupperware, or in this case now, some other guy's tupperware.
It's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from goin under.
so said Jay when he appeared with Silent Bob on the Home Shopping Network.
If life's a jungle, then cancel my plans for the afternoon... I gotsta find that DEET!
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Shoot, I was actually in Independence this morning, which is something I never do. I felt compelled to go to the mall and buy checkered Vans. A fool + money = soon parted.
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But I love that sentence nonetheless.
And thank you for liking my sentence. It likes you too. It told me so.
But my birthday's comin' up next week and I don't think I'll be getting any presents so I at least wanted the prize.
Why don't you think you're not going to get any presents, Andrea Marie?
I guess I sound selfish or materialistic, but I'm not. I'm not the kind of person who needs presents to be happy.
And I know you don't need presents to be happy, but I still know what it's like to not get stuff on your birthday and how much it just feels like people don't care enough to bother, too.
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