your advice is not only good but very much timely and appreciated. you are very wise and i thank God for the wisdom you have to share with not only me but everyone who is blessed enough to know you. sometimes i wonder why anyone would want to be so nice to me, after how cold i must seem sometimes... but i have to remind myself that in order to give i have to receive, which is sometimes more difficult for me than giving. thank you for everything. my prayers will always be with you.
by the way, i don't think i ever caught your name.
it's funny, because everything you just said are things that i've been thinking about today =) i checked out an audio book today at the library by Thich Nhat Hanh about living in the present... his voice is like an angel's. thanks so much for your support. i'm sorry i've been so absent.. you're a dear, and make me want to be a better friend and overall person.
You just said the magic words: Thich Nhat Hanh. :) That man changed my life completely, and all for the better. He is truly a bodhisattva..and an angel. Plus, he is such a strong advocate for Buddhist-Christian dialogue and joint work; I think that will really help you when you read or listen to his books. It will make it much easier to relate to his teachings. I think that's one of the main reasons I can understand his work so easily---I was raised Christian, but always ended up following Buddhist views, and it seemed hard for me to reconcile the two to other people. Plus, he also uses very concrete examples from his own life so that even if you don't understand the concept itself that he's talking about, you can see what it is by way of his every day experience, and then realize that understanding in a different way.
Sorry---I'm like his personal fan club! :D Don't worry about being absent. I haven't said much in LJ lately either. But that doesn't mean I'm not here, so if you need me, just post/email! :) *snugglies*
Growing up does not consist of losing our passion. It consists of channeling it. Michael, Vicki, Scott, Steven, Caleb and I have incredibly intense discussions. We feel strongly about a lot of things and have never grown apathetic despite the years. But what you will discover is your limits. As we reach for the stars we slowly realize how far away they are. One of the sad realizations I've had in the last year is that I have to choose where it is I want to try to make a difference. I am being pulled several different directions at once and I can't describe what an overwhelming task this has been, because everything I choose to do means letting go of something else I care about. Mortality has never weighed on me so heavily as it does now. The thing I take comfort in is that when you love life, it's all meaningful, regardless of what you do. We do not have to choose a purpose in life - choice itself is the purpose.
i came here via darwax's journal and wanted to add you because we both live downtown and we also have a couple of other friends in common too. it's been a few months since your last update. i hope you are well. i hope you come back soon. and i hope we can be friends too.
sorry i haven't updated! i'm just so bogged down by life right now and therefore am not writing. but maybe if i did i'd feel less bogged down. anyway, nice to meet you. i'm also on myspace -
Comments 8
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by the way, i don't think i ever caught your name.
That man changed my life completely, and all for the better. He is truly a bodhisattva..and an angel. Plus, he is such a strong advocate for Buddhist-Christian dialogue and joint work; I think that will really help you when you read or listen to his books. It will make it much easier to relate to his teachings. I think that's one of the main reasons I can understand his work so easily---I was raised Christian, but always ended up following Buddhist views, and it seemed hard for me to reconcile the two to other people. Plus, he also uses very concrete examples from his own life so that even if you don't understand the concept itself that he's talking about, you can see what it is by way of his every day experience, and then realize that understanding in a different way.
Sorry---I'm like his personal fan club! :D
Don't worry about being absent. I haven't said much in LJ lately either. But that doesn't mean I'm not here, so if you need me, just post/email! :)
see you around...
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