Title: He came from that treehouse in his lifetime Author: favyan by way of simmysim Pairing: Wilson/who the fuck knows, man Summary: Anyway, James Wilson is black and he went the stronger he was not look up until he never, ever, ever lies on the double! Author's notes: simmysim's 12, 6, 15, 3 + Bonsai Story Generator = this
Title: Why? Pairing: House/Wilson Rating: R Spoilers: S1-S2 Summary: Wilson suffers a personal crisis; will House be there for him? Will House even care? Author's Notes: Based on a true story.
Title: A filthy, dirty, despicable old man Author: favyan with help from fauxpocky and The Bonsai Story Generator. Pairing: House/Wilson Summary: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No. Author's Note: Words borrowed from fauxpocky's Dreams and returned in roughly the same condition.