my life. my friends. are fantastic. thank you. as always. for loving. being. and shopping.
disneyworld was great last night. i bought two tofurkeys with the $50 whole foods giftcard from dad last chrismukka. then 45 on random other veggie/vegan stuff. it was good times. jeff is the coooolest.
i'm working the metal show at the local tonight from 7-11:30ish. you should come visit me. and keep me company. because it will be cold. and metal-y. then we'll have pizza afterwards. right. well, bye then.
p.s. i bought cute new underpants last night. anybody wanna see me in them?
i was browsing random peoples' livejournals today and felt awfully narcissistic as almost all of my pictures are of me. it seems to be rather unusual among lj-ers. ah well.