(no subject)

Aug 11, 2011 16:41

Updated 01.08.12


October 2010
          [ X] Nothing says 'welcome' better than the sight of another Noah. cardio_swindle

[ POST] Not every odd mishap is Komui's fault.
                    besomeothername, juniorarchiver, blankrecording, cursedbooks, cardio_swindle, ingenuities, made_4_walking, inreto

[ X] Vampires are just legend, y'know. selfdeluded
          [ X] Hide your wife and hide your kids, Kanda just fucking laughed. sleightofhearts
          [ X] Who knew he could be....nice. my_pleasure
          [ X] Probably not the best way to go and meet yourself. twisted_lotus

                    their_insanity, arcmugen, glamorousspirit, 1000year_earl, beautifulalias

[ X] Blood is unbecoming. bartendingclown
          [ X] RIP, tea. flowercomplex
          [ X] Stuffed birds, what? solo_insanity, forwhomittolls
          [ X] EVENT; Murder Mystery Day 2 doyuulikeme
          [ X] Finally, some real food. gonna_feed_you
          [ X] Seeing a girl version of you is one thing, but one with a kid? lastnightswish
          [ X] This place just gets weirder and weirder. bottlenosey
          [ X] You have no idea how tempting it is to shove him in. blackalleycat
          [ X] The dead truly don't stay dead anymore. kicking_balls
          [ X] Nothing like a bit of Halloween horror. cardio_swindle
          [ X] Resting should be done in a bed, not a hallway. bloodyscore
          [ X] Whoever killed the Noah, they've earned his thanks. countess_hearts, 1000year_earl
          [ X] In which Tiedoll actually did adopt him. studyandpaint

                    salvationsnox, cursed_clown, bottlenosey, innocentmishap, un_stitched

[ X] EVENT; Murder Mystery Final Day stitched_akuma
          [ X] Tykis are very odd by nature. cardio_swindle, solo_insanity

November 2010
          [ X] Not sharing kitchen space with a damn Noah. likes_to_tease
          [ X] Thank god she doesn't have a clipboard. butterflystep
          [ X] The search is now over. will_bewaiting
          [ X] There's something...not right about you. astabbingpain

[ POST] Definitely not the North Wing. Oops.
                    cardio_swindle, besomeothername, solo_insanity

[ X X] Bad luck? Definitely. Even a lotus eventually wilts. 1000year_earl, akumabin, midbossakuma

[ POST] If you wait, it will bloom again.
                    heartsbook, will_bewaiting, besomeothername, twisting_lotus, notakumamommy

[ X] Sometimes, you're just not meant to understand Noah. halfcocked
          [ X] Or hobos. forgotmyhat
          [ X] Even the robot shows up! komrin
          [ X] Happiness uits the children of this godforsaken world better. twisting_lotus
          [ X X X] We have got to stop meeting like this. At least the room is nice, yeah? 1000year_earl, cardio_swindle, cursed_clown
          [ X] Oh, look, he's alive. ...And drinking already. 3rd_time_charm

[ POST] Digging in the non-existant photo album is not appreciated.
                    studyandpaint, bottlenosey, will_bewaiting, twisting_lotus

[ X] Definitely something that you don't see everyday. case_card
          [ X] This place really likes to fuck with your head. velocitizing
          [ X] And just when you thought you were rid of him... tothelastbreath
          [ X] Real food! latenightmoon, by_her_grace

[ POST] My fucking hairtie! (Joint with notakumamommy)
                    fledglingrabbit, tothelastbreath, flowercomplex

[ X] Just when you thought you had a handle on this place... demonhistory
          [ X] It's just a simple walk in the park. Er, forest. hedonisticwoman
          [ X X X] Don't drink the tea! waitforapromise, besomeothername, pleasurestease, tothelastbreath, astabbingpain

December 2010
          [ X] Rhode has a child, what. lolibabies
          [ X X X X X X] That fucking plant... improvedkarma, tothelastbreath, waitforapromise, bound_pleasures, latenightmoon, technicore, cardio_swindle
          [ X] Too cool for your snowball fights. latenightmoon
          [ X] FOUND YOU. notakumamommy
          [ X] Why, hello there again...self. breakinglotus
          [ X] A book's not worth dying for. blankrecord
          [ X X X] And where is it the doors lead this time? cardio_swindle, mistyredhead
          [ X] Oh, it's...you. churchninja
          [ X ] You're invited! ... Oh, look who's got a date. waitforapromise, astabbingpain
          [X] Another snowball fight? Please. case_card
          [ X] Why is Mugen away from its Kanda...? besomeothername
          [ X] Kandas are not your entertainment, Noah. aladymacbeth, tempersword
          [ X] Something ain't right here. crazydrills
          [ X X] EVENT; Yule Ball waitforapromise, solo_insanity, besomeothername, technicore, blankrecord, notakumamommy
          [ X] The fuck do you want to know? astabbingpain
          [ X] Lunar eclipse, get!

[ POST] Restlessness is unbecoming of an Exorcist.
                    darkforsaken, cursed_clown, tothelastbreath

[ X] Merry Christmas, Yuu! waitforapromise
          [ X] Oh, joy. It's the Noah in one of his comrades. fallintomylies
          [ X X X X] EVENT; Memories nolooking_back, waitforapromise, notakumamommy, solo_insanity
          [ X X] So this is what it's like to be drunk... tothelastbreath, sleightofhearts

January 2011
          [ X] Sorry, I don't do akuma. solo_insanity
          [ X] Something's just too wrong here. twisting_lotus
          [ X] Books should not be calling my girlfriend names. waitforapromise
          [ X] Mikk, you suck at lying. case_card
          [ X] What little faith was left in the church and Order just got even smaller. thispromisekept
          [ X] A peek into my dreams. fledglingrabbit, waitforapromise
          [ X] Hnngh, pajamas. demonhistory, waitforapromise, astabbingpain
          [ X] Learn to choose your fights. pleasureteased
          [ X X X] Suddenly, a closet! flameofhistory, waitforapromise, fallintomylies

February 2011
          [ X] I still don't get you. At all. solo_insanity
          [ X X] But why is all the water gone? 1000year_earl, waitforapromise
          [ X X X] My Valentine. waitforapromise, notakumamommy, cardio_swindle
          [ X] A wild turban Noah appears! awknsnightmares
          [ X X X X X] Another tea party. waltzofthewind, waitforapromise, stealsumbrellas, astabbingpain, notakumamommy, cardio_swindle, tothelastbreath

[ POST] Back in from Nesreca.
                    dreamsthief, waitforapromise, solo_insanity, tothelastbreath, twisting_lotus

March 2011
          [ X] On a train to nowhere. cardio_swindle
          [ X] ...Weeelp. waitforapromise, tothelastbreath
          [ X] Yup, Noah talk to themselves. fallintomylies

April 2011
          [ X] This is amusing. solo_insanity
          [ X] Not what he was hoping for. withredallover
          [ X] This place definitely isn't so bad. soundonly

May 2011
          [ X] Just don't think. Don't think. callingforyuu
          [ X] Just what he needed after Alma. solo_insanity
          [ X] The last person he wanted to see here... stealsumbrellas
          [ X] Unwanted disturbance is unwanted. solo_insanity

June 2011
          [ X] ...Hate birthdays. waitforapromise, besomeothername
          [ X] Tea party the third! historyrabbit, waitforapromise, besomeothername
          [ X] Beach time! /o/ waitforapromise
          [ X] ...Hey, it's master. papa_of_three

July 2011
          [ X] This is not what it looks like. onlypiousfor, waitforapromise
          [ X] One of the marked. waitforapromise
          [ X] Could have gone better. distorted_blade
          [ X] Aftermath. historyrabbit, besomeothername, waitforapromise

August 2011
          [ X] Not an ordinary rabbit. darkforsaken
          [ X] DNW. DNW. DNW. besomeothername

September 2011
          [ X] Ew, Crow. spinustristis

October 2011

November 2011
          [ X] He doesn't even know... notthathammered, some_do_tricks
          [ X] WILD KOMUI scientificlee
          [ X] Wild BFF too! killedyuu
          [ X] TWIN! )o) coldbrokenlight

December 2011
          [ X] UGH, mistletoe! DX scientificlee, besomeothername
          [ X] The poor soba...
          [ X] Merry Christmas! besomeothername


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