Submitted For Your Consideration...Part 2

Apr 12, 2006 20:55

I got ass raped today!!*does snoopy dance of joy* I would say bitchslapped, but alas...that did not happen. All the bitch slaps were gray....And before I get the stock "You submitted, take your licks" schtick, let me just say that I KNOW THAT! I'm simply exorcising my free speech demons :P

So, submitted for your consideration,

A Live Journal blog, yay. I guess I could say there’s no crap in the sidebar. There’s practically no sidebar to speak of. Instead of a mood section it’s “What my brain says”. It’s kind of annoying, and the “mood images” are different photos of her. I guess it’s less annoying than a different random image every time, but why does an “empty” mood relate to her kissing her cat? I don’t get it. Just do away with the whole stupid mood thing.

The template isn’t pretty by any means, but at least it doesn’t attempt to blind you, though that shade of pink comes awfully close. Oh, and that cyan at the top is a little bright too. At least the content is against a white background and easily readable.

Speaking of content, there are several references to “pre-op” and “post-op”. I guess I should dig through the archives to figure out what kind of operation she’s talking about. Unfortunately the Archive link goes to a stupid calendar display, so I can’t quickly browse post titles. Forget it. I’ll just assume it’s a sex change.

The writing is okay. The topics vary. Meh. Not that interesting.

A Live Journal blog, yay.

What exactly is it that you all hate so much about LJ? I’d genuinely like to know. Seriously. Is it because you see so many of them? Is your own journal here somewhere amidst all the human carnage? Throw me a bone.

I guess I could say there’s no crap in the sidebar. There’s practically no sidebar to speak of.

Ok, so when there’s too much stuff, it’s bad and when there’s not enough stuff it’s still bad...when is it just right? Seriously...I’d like to know...Throw me a bone.

Do you spend lots of time in the woods? Do you break into other people’s houses? Eat their porridge? Sit in their chairs and sleep in their beds? I think somebody wrote a story about you I recall it did not end well. Do you need a hug?

There isn’t more stuff in my sidebar because I don’t need more stuff in my sidebar. I only wear one shade of eye shadow these days.

Instead of a mood section it’s “What my brain says”. It’s kind of annoying, and the “mood images” are different photos of her.

I’ll give you the first part of this one. I didn’t want it to just say “mood” but I anticipated you coming a year and a half ago, so I had to come up with something other than “Random feelings”. As far as the “mood images” thing...honey...sweety...dahlink. Being that you hate LJ so much, I can only assume that you’ve reviewed lots and lots of LJ sites before. Surely by now a sharp tack like you can tell the difference between the user pics that are images of me, and the “mood images” which would be the little annoying animated smilies immediately AFTER the colon. In America, we read left to right. How do they read where you come from?

The template isn’t pretty by any means, but at least it doesn’t attempt to blind you, though that shade of pink comes awfully close. Oh, and that cyan at the top is a little bright too. At least the content is against a white background and easily readable.

I’ll give you this one as well. I don’t like the template. I wanted something pink(ish) but the only other thing available when I tried to set this thing up was a template that was being used by someone else at the time that I knew and I didn’t want it the same as hers. I tried to search out another template a few weeks ago, but discovered that I couldn’t just change the color scheme without rearranging and/or possibly losing everything else so I left it as is. Yes, another thing that is as annoying as fuck about LJ but being that I’m ever so slightly HTMLtarded, it’s the best we can do. Thank you for saying the content is easily readable though. I have to say that the dark background with light text is something I whole heartedly agree with you (all) on.

EDIT: After romping my way on over to your site to tell you all I had gloreefied myself in print, I noticed that the "Blinding" shade of pink that surrounds my blog is shared almost exactly by the apparently not blinding if it's on a site called comments box border. Hypocritical much?

Speaking of content, there are several references to “pre-op” and “post-op”. I guess I should dig through the archives to figure out what kind of operation she’s talking about. Unfortunately the Archive link goes to a stupid calendar display, so I can’t quickly browse post titles. Forget it. I’ll just assume it’s a sex change.

I’m going to reference a comment made in my previous post about your site for response to this. The first thing I’d like to say is that since in the comments section of your post on my site, you said you were kidding, I can only assume that this was done for “shock value” and not because it’s an opinion you genuinely hold. Saying “I’ll assume it’s a sex change.” could only have been said to invoke the proper response from your viewing audience, that being one of levity and self serving wit. The second thing I’d like to say is that in the FIRST paragraph of the FIRST post on the FIRST page, I make reference to caloric intake at least half a dozen times. If I’m so worried about my calories, a thinking person might conclude that I’m speaking of some form of weight loss surgery. But someone looking to “Make ‘Em Laugh” would go right for the penis joke. *thumbs up* you rawk!

The writing is okay. The topics vary. Meh. Not that interesting.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion and, much like assholes, you stink...

Wait...I didn’t say that right...

Seriously though, I realize the navigation of this is annoying at best (if you ignore the “view subjects” link at the bottom of every single fucking month) allow me to link some of what I consider my better or more interesting forays into the written word for your perusal. “Osama Visits MN” “Self Realization At Its Fattest” (warning: this one’s long.) “Spoilers Suck Ass!” “Sometimes Old Times Hit You Squah In The Nuts!” “Sometimes I Get Creative” “A Rare Political Rant In A Sea Of Idiot Tranquility” “Cute Kitty” (You probably won’t like’s akin to a “cute kid” post) “Criminals Suck” “Embarrassment Ala Carte” “Toilets Are For PEEING!” “If You’re Going To Ride The Bus, Be Sure To Bring Your Phaser”

That should do it...for now...see...when someone does a review of something, they should take a cross section of what is there...if you have too many reviews to do to devote the time that you should to what you are reviewing, perhaps the fault is not with the subject, but with the observer.

And why is it that you all don’t advertise your own sites on your review page? From what I have heard, they are sparkly, blinky, wonderfully wild fun!


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