So I've been eating bacon almost everyday since the beginning of January (with eggs, toast, yogurt, and juice). It was a New Year's resolution or something. So I started breaking out February-ish and have been aprouting a new zit pretty much everyday since. And today my esthetician tells me that my breakouts can be attributed to my bacon consumption. So now I gots to quit bacon. I'm very upset.
Are you for cereal? Limp bacon is balls. Where are these restaurants that make them too crispy for you? Because I almost never get my bacon as crispy as I like it when I'm eating out.
I have the exhaust fan on while I cook and for a short time after and I usually have my balcony door open a crack. So nope, no stinkies.
Comments 5
i love limp bacon. i hate when they make it too crispy at restaurants.
I have the exhaust fan on while I cook and for a short time after and I usually have my balcony door open a crack. So nope, no stinkies.
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