1 - Be good to each other. Don't stir up wank, don't bully, don't be cruel. Don't hold player actions against a muse, and don't hold muse actions against a player. You should already know this. Furthermore, don't godmod (deciding actions and feeling of other player's characters without permission), don't metagame (using informtion your character wouldn't have), and try not to make us look terrible in wank comms.
2 - While this is a psychological horror game and therefore characters aren't expected to remain unscathed and unchanged throughout their time here (we really hope they won't be) we still expect you to execute these changes as ICly as possible. It'd be disappointing for everyone otherwise.
3 - We expect decent grammar and spelling. If no one can read your posts, no one can play with you.
4 - If anything goes over PG-13, lock it, and mark the content appropriately.
4b - The minimum age to participate in this game as a player is 15, due to the dark themes within it. There is no minimum age for characters.
5 - Activity: One comm/log post and a ten comment thread (in someone else's post) or two comm/log posts, or three ten comment threads per character each month.
5b - Tag your posts appropriately. Untagged posts will not count toward activity.
6 - As long as you can keep up with the activity requirements, you may have as many characters as you like. Per canon you may have two (unrelated) characters. After three months meeting activity with the other two, you can ask to play a third (minor) canon character. (This rule may scale for excessively large or very small canons)
7 - All canons are welcome. You cannot app anyone who is on the taken or reserved list (There are already alternates running through the town as NPCs). You may transfer characters from other RPGs, but all changes will have to be included in the application and listed somewhere easily accessible by other players. You may app OCs, but the application must be thoroughly filled.
8 - You MAY app AU versions of canon characters, provided the character is not already in the game. One sufficiently AU alternate will be allowed alongside a canon version of a character, this is the only exception to multiples of the same character. However, AU characters do have to still be recognizably IC.
8b - Characters with canon clones who exist separately (that is, as their own person, rather than an exact copy for the sake of a copy) and different incarnations count as separate characters.
Carson Beckett of Stargate: Atlantis, whose two years of imprisonment made him markedly different from his original self.
The Doctor of Doctor Who, whose separate incarnations have differing personalities, and whose Metacrisis version coexists with his original self. The Flesh is not considered sufficiently different.
Kingdom Hearts versions of characters, whose portrayals are considered canonically established alternate universe versions of their original selves.
9 - Fourth Walling. Outright canon puncturing without prior permission from the mun is not allowed. However, if your character would or even may have viewed the canon of another character, making allusions to this in the interest of providing some form of psychological distress to a character (as opposed to using it as an excuse to metagame) are not.
Of course, you never know. Maybe you only thought you saw them before, or the familiarity you're experiencing with this person is coming from something that's eerily similar, not the same.
quantummods |
quantumsuicides |
turtlesallthway |
quantum_comms PREMISE |