Name/Nickname: Danie, AKA Mei
Character Stamped As: none yet, I'm still awaiting stampage.(
rate me please?)
Four People You Voted On:
Hey there I like your hair... Who does your hair? I wanna go there! Q-01: What things are you physically and mentally good at?
A-01: Mentally, I'm good at assessing situations (as long as they don't involve me) and coming up with a solution. Also, I don't allow things to slow me down emotionally for long, though I'll be severely crippled by them for a short time. As far as physical strengths go, I'm scrawny, but I'm damn fast. I can outrun anybody, and I'm double jointed.
Q-02: What things are you physically and mentally not good at?
A-02: Mentally, I'm horrible with accepting the reality of things that I don't like but can't change, especially when it comes to someone I've trusted revealing their true colors. I have a constant inner battle with my lack of confidence, trying not to let it show. Physically, I'm really bad at organized sports and anything that requires quick reflexes. Unless I've been doing it for a while, my coordination is crap. I'm a quick learner, but I start out at zero.
Q-03: What are some of the things that make you uncomfortable?
A-03: Romantic situations in general, especially getting asked out. I just don't know how to handle it, because I have a deficiency when it comes to developing romantic feelings. Homophobia makes me uncomfortable. Judgmental people and wasps make me uncomfortable. My father makes me uncomfortable. Violence makes me uncomfortable.
Q-04: How long does it usually take for someone to gain your trust?
A-04: People usually start out with my trust if they haven't done anything to make them seem untrustworthy. If they lose it, they'll have to earn it back, but everyone starts out with an equal amount of trust. I'm willing to place all my faith in people who I have no reason to trust, because to me trust is all about letting go and just... well... trusting!
Q-05: What is one of the special quirks you have that make you who you are?
A-05: I'm really, really opinionated XD Sometimes if I have an opinion on something, the tiniest comment can send me off on a huge rant about my point of view. I'm a ranter.
Q-06: If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
A-06: My lack of confidence! I would make it so I can face life with a security in knowing that I am GOOD ENOUGH.
Q-07: If you lived in a world like Loveless, would you rather be a fighter or sacrifice? why?
A-07: A Fighter. I HATE seeing people get hurt, and I don't mind bearing pain at all if I know I'm doing it to protect someone else.
Q-08: Say you were a fighter, how would you fight? (What element would you like to use? Would you fight in defense for your sacrifice, offense to win, or a mix depending on what happens? what?)
A-08: I would fight carefully, timing my moves to match the feeling of the opposing team's and using their spells against them. I would always fight defensively, because protecting the people that matter is what is important to me. I could care less about competition.
Q-09: If you were a sacrifice caught up in a spell battle, what would you do? (What commands would you give your fighter? What would be your strategy in battle?)
A-09: I guess my strategy would be to let my Fighter have free reign at the beginning of the fight so I could see what fighting style the other team used, and then give my Fighter commands based on that (like what spells would most likely work best defensively and offensively against the kinds of spells the others used).
Q-10: Again, as a sacrifice you can order your fighter pretty much to do any thing! With this kind of control over a person, answer truthfully now, would you abuse it or use it when necessary? (Would you treat them as a slave or friend?)
A-10: I would probably treat them more as a friend. I'm not a controlling person, and having any control over another person would scare me! If necessary, I would abuse my control to get my Fighter to end a battle when they really wanted to continue if it meant one of us getting seriously hurt if we continued. I would probably continually abuse my power in ways that kept my Fighter out of harm's way, going against their wishes.
Q-11: Which unit/sacrifice and fighter pair do you think you'd be less likely to be voted as? (please, explain why in as much detail as you can.)
A-11: Bloodless... they seem very vicious, and that would probably not be my style at all. The kind of hard, resentful relationship between them would probably be the farthest from what I could feel for someone who was supposed to be my partner.
Q-12: What would be one word with -less at the end of it, like Loveless or Fearless, that would describe you pretty well? (Some examples to help you answer/vote on this question would be: Clueless, Luckless, Reckless,
After answering that, for fun, take that word you chose above and come up with a spell battle intro like the ones given under the
voting info.
A-12: I think, given all my answers, it would have to be Shameless XD
"We feel no shame for what we love" (a lame intro, but the truth)