it is true. and i'm in corsicana. i work at the planet video, fools! GIFF MEH INTARWEB. the library is not sufficient, thx. they do not let me play world of warcraft here. IT'S BEEN TOO LONG SINCE I'VE SMITED A NOOB WITH A SHADOWBOLT. also, call the allison pls thx; she has a phone now.
um. the roadrunner guy came out while i was at work and left us a pretty, new, FUNCTIONING black modem. ^_^ no problems at all and it's been on constantly for several days.
so, i'm at work and vee suprised me by being here making up hours. that means she's handling what little's in the box and i get to sit here reading ss/hg fic and playing with livejournal all day. ^_^ works for me
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hi. i'm bored at work. i'd rather be at home helping cara build the NEW KOMPUTAR. also, i've got a pointy booger stuck in my left nostril. i hate it when that happens. MORE TO COME AS THE ACTION HAPPENS.