The Basics
1. Describe your personality: I'm pretty friendly for the most part. I used to be pretty distance and closed off but a friend helped me open up. I have no problem chatting with random people. I like meeting people on my own, in a natural way. Mainly because I don't do good in situations like social gatherings where I'm forced to meet people. My original shy nature takes over then.
I tend to be very sarcastic but I know when to bite my tongue, most of the time. I try respect my elders and superiors, even the ones I don't like.
I'm open minded with all things, be it lifestyles, music, race, you name it. I have big problem with people close minded because I don't see what right they have to judge others. If you don't like something about certain people, try limit your interaction with them in a polite way.
I like helping out those I can when they need it, it just bothers me if I can do something and I don't. It drives my up a wall when I can't help out a friend, be it because they won't let me or there's just nothing about the situation I can do.
People I know tell me I'm very smart but I have tendency not to believe them. I'm less book smart and more real world smart, if anything though.
I like to put friends problems before my own, if anything else to help distract me from my own. I'm not afraid to deal with my problems though. I will take charge and I have no problem with responsibility, I just like a break from it once and awhile.
I tend to see the good in people but I don't trust easily.
Most of time, I have no problem being myself, no matter how odd I come off to other people.
2. What are your flaws? I don't know how many times I've been told, I'm too nice. I don't like saying no when comes to a friends request. I tend to be a push over, and I know certain friends have taken advantage of that, both knowingly or and unknowingly. I abuse tildes(~) like crazy online! I don't have too much faith in myself, others believe in me more then I do.
3. What are your best points? As odd as this is, I'm nice. I know can be too nice but I think everyone needs someone in their life that will help and support them, no matter what. It's case a of too much a of a good thing, I think. I like looking on the positive side of things. I try to be upbeat, even when I'm not feeling it. I have a great love for animals!
4. Likes: Playing with animals, listening to music, watching nature, alone time, shiny things, listening to people, reading, writing, daydreaming.
5. Dislikes: People who ignorantly bash on things they refuse to understand, public speaking, spiders, being lied to, being called short, the color pink.
6. What are your hobbies and talents? I'm a fairly good writer, though I haven't written much recently. I have an odd sense of graphic design but some people seem to like it. I'm a great listener and good negotiator.
7. How do others perceive you? Most older people say I'm polite, smart, quiet, and helpful. My friends say I'm hyper, smiley, weird, and a smartalec. Depends on who I'm with.
8. What is your personal motto? "I am who am, accept it."
9. What is your favorite color? Why? Purple. Not sure why but I seem to to have an affinity for it. I'm drawn too it, even when I'm not really pay attention. I also love the color black, but I love the dark, so that's probably why~.
10. What color do you think you are? Good question. Not sure which exactly but I think lighter colors suit my personality better.
11. Favourite Animal? Panther~!
12. What is your favorite season? Beginning/middle of Autumn. A lot of the things I like doing happen around then and I love the weather!
13. This Thing, That Thing
Optimistic or Pessimistic or Realist: Realist who tries to be optimistic
Possessions or Ideals: Ideals
Mature or Immature: Mature
Leader or Follower: Prefer to be follower but most of the time force to be leader.
Light or Dark: Can I choose twilight? They're too tied together for me to choose!
Think Before You Leap? or Leap!: If you have the time to think, think!
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted.
War or Peace: Peace! We need to learn to love one another!
Secretive or Open: Depends on who it is. Open with close friends, secretive with others
High, Medium, Low Energy? Medium, unless high on sugar, then very high.
14. Reactions
How do you react when with your friends? I'm hyper and tend to ignore the random people I know are staring at me.
How about your family? Depends. With my mom I'm pretty open and close to. All other realities don't talk to or see me. I'm cynical when it comes to family/blood bonds.
In a group? More reserved.
If your peers/friends/family were in trouble, what would you do? Anything in my power I could to help them.
How do you react to Stressful things? Deal with them while trying think of ways to keep myself collected. I'll also rant to myself when no one is around.
15. What are your dreams? Petting a panther (have wanted to for forever), earn enough money to let my mom visit Italy.
16. What are your fears? Seeing those I'm closest too seriously hurt or in pain (be in physically on emotional), spiders, being betray by someone I put my trust in.
17. Would you do something you wouldn’t normally do if you had to? That very much depends on the situation.
18. If you had to choose a side, would you choose the government, rebels or just being a loner? Loner most likely, I don't like choosing sides.
19. Anything else about you? Not really~!
20. Anything else you would like to add? DGM has been my love since it first can to the US!
Also, thanks for taking your time to read this~!
Almost there!
21. How did you find us? Community advertisement~!
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