The Basics
Name: Misu
Age: 26
1. Describe your personality: Cheerful and sweet, although often it's sometimes false. Fake it until you make it, y'know? I see no reason to be bitter and sad all the time, even if I feel that way. It does no one any good. Why drag others down? I'm quirky, fun, and laid back. I love giving gifts, making things, and being creative. I definitely have a huge weird streak, and normalcy isn't my thing at all. Boring? I'll pass. I want life to be exciting and colorful. But I also have a craving for the simple things. Cheap food, and hanging with my loved ones is the best thing in the world. I guess I'm a person of contradictions at times. I love champagne and caviar, but I'm just as happy with cheese and cheap salami.
2. What are your flaws? I can be stressed easily, spiteful, and bitter. I'm protective to the point of cruelty at times. If you mess with those I love, you're messing with me. And I take it far too personally. I'm also prone to depression, although it's been a while since I've struggled with it.
3. What are your best points? I care, too much probably. I'm protective, loving, giving and sweet. I'm the one to stay up all night on AIM comforting someone, or give my last dollar to get the little gift because it might help make someone's day better. I'll do whatever I can to help, even if it ends up leaving me in a bad place.
4. Likes: Icons, coffee mugs, chickens, pretty bottles, manga, video games, chocolate, butterflies, cats, flowers, cold nights, weird music, rats, friends, cooking, baking, family, art, hanging out with my friends, relaxing and just being lazy, writing, coloring... Too many things. I'm the one to always run out of LJ interest slots, because there just aren't enough!
5. Dislikes: People who cause drama, health problems, angst, those who can stand on their own feet but refuse to, liars, those who take advantage of the weak... *goes on and on* Basically? If you cause others harm, no matter how small it is? I dislike you. Also, those who waiver on their morals. I like sticking to my guns, so to say, and I want people to do the same.
6. What are your hobbies and talents? ...I think I should have put some of my likes here instead. Cooking, baking, collecting coffee mugs, making icons, coloring lineart, spending time with my family, homeschooling my son, writing stories, and playing with my pets. I don't know if I'm a talented writer, but my stories have gotten some attention. I also won some awards for music when I was younger, so singing used to be a talented at least.
7. How do others perceive you? I really don't know. You'd have to ask them. A friend once said a sweet person with strong opinions.
8. What is your personal motto? I really don't have one.
9. What is your favorite color? Why? Black. I haven't a clue why, I just prefer it to anything else.
10. What color do you think you are? (it can be the favourite color or another color) Dark gray.
11. Favourite Animal? Rat.
12. What is your favorite season? Late fall, or early winter.
13. This Thing, That Thing
Optimistic or Pessimistic or Realist: Realist
Possessions or Ideals: Ideals
Mature or Immature: Mature
Leader or Follower: It depends on how much effort I want to put out.
Light or Dark: Both.
Think Before You Leap? or Leap!: It depends on the situation.
Introverted or Extroverted: Both, oddly enough? Is that possible?
War or Peace: It doesn't matter to me, as long as I can live as I want.
Secretive or Open: It depends. Sometimes I'm disturbingly open, other times I keep things to myself. It depends on the subject at hand.
High, Medium, Low Energy? High.
14. Reactions
How do you react when with your friends? I'm happy, cheerful, and fun.
How about your family? A little more laid back, and honest. They can see the real me.
In a group? Same with friends.
If your peers/friends/family were in trouble, what would you do? If I care about them, I'll do whatever it takes to help.
How do you react to Stressful things? I fake happy, and push through. Until I break down, of course.
15. What are your dreams? I'd prefer not to say. They're personal to me, and precious.
16. What are your fears? I fear bad things happening to those I care for.
17. Would you do something you wouldn’t normally do if you had to? Of course. If the situation called for it.
18. If you had to choose a side, would you choose the government, rebels or just being a loner? It depends on how it would benefit me.
19. Anything else about you? ...Not really?
20. Anything else you would like to add?
I've been stamped before, but it's been so long that I wanted to go for it again. I've changed a hell of a lot in just a yeah, so I'm pretty much applying fresh as a different person.
Almost there!
21. How did you find us? A former member, I rejoined after seeing a post on a friend's LJ.
22. Links to voted applications
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