Nov 12, 2004 20:47
porcelain doll
fresh and new
just out of the box
for a baby girl
porcelain doll
rugged and ragged
tons of love
from a little girl
porcelain doll
stiff and alone
neglected on a shelf
by a lost girl
porcelain doll
fallen and broken
tossed out alone
from a girl all alone
in a box of her own
Aug 04, 2004 16:24
step closer and closer
with each passing day
feeling more hopeful
with our future so near
a day does not pass
without thinking of you
a night hardly goes by
without wishing you near
Jun 16, 2004 10:53
In my head
Ideas swarm
Tears pour down
Upon the ground
My mind explodes
With harsh reaction
End all fears
With interaction
My love for you
Unfolds each day
Jun 04, 2004 11:13
Things go down with paper and pen
far better then I could ever say them
words come out all mumbled and jumbled
when spoken directly to you
feelings flow much better through here
but it isn’t the same and I know this
just to show my feelings and care
Jun 04, 2004 10:37
To soon to feel all of this
To soon to know everythings alright
To soon to know what is true
To soon to know how I feel for you
To soon to know that’s whats real
To soon to know anythings this way
To soon to know this is all I want
To soon to know if youd agree
To soon to know anything…..
May 18, 2004 11:53
Sitting here now
Thinking of you
To be closer
To always know
To always care
Longing to be held
Losing intrest in all else
Thinking of getting lost
In your eyes
The only safe place I know
May 18, 2004 11:52
Running scared
Running still
Turning back
Falling down
Skinned knees
Scrapes and bruises
Lying still
Don’t get caught
Hope all will pass
Rushing now
Down hill fast
Going forward
Don’t look back
Don’t forget
Where you’ve come from
Don’t lose your past for good
May 04, 2004 17:57
a contradiction of terms
a turn of your words
what u see is what you get
but fuck all of that
(finish later)
May 04, 2004 17:49
In an instant everything can change
What you see isn’t always what you get
In me this is true
In my body my heart sings for just you
If you see this smile
Know it isn’t real
See it waver under pressure
See it callpse when you turn away
Watch the tears flow freely
With no effort at all
Know this isn’t true
You never really see me
You never truly