As we learnt before, "Present" Participle is not present, but active, while "Past" Participle is not past, but passive. Why is it true and why is it essential? Because yesterday, when asked to find Russian equivalents to '-ing'-participle and to '-ed'-participle, a guy trasnlated them as "играющий" and "игравший".
Do you know how much englishforums is afraid of rinoceronte? They banned me even FROM SEEING the forum! Let's consider that another evidence of their stupidity. Sure, I can see everything, and from now on every morning will start with revealing to the world all the falseness of language expertise of englishforums people. It will be done on Facebook
Все, о чем ві читали в єтом сообществе за последние пару лет, теперь можно иметь под рукой в виде моей книги English Grammar Untangled. Имея єту книгу под рукой, ві легко заткнете за пояс любого преподавателя и любого носителя
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