I need to go to bed, and to brush my teeth, but not in that order. Now, in the vein of Dickenson (hahaha, I wish!) Some things from my beautiful mole skin book I got in Santa Fe...
So, instead of studying for my very first graduate level exam, I spent the last 4 hours running around my house trying to lay mouse traps, after having to kill the mouse my cat caught and maimed
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In MN now. In St Paul. Actually, I am in this really cool coffee shop called Gingko because they have free wireless, and I won't have internet until Thursday at home
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I think I am killing this journal and making another one. It seems fairly appropriate, since where this started and where I am now are two completely different places
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I'm off to Minnesota. Dunno if I will have intertoob access for the next two weeks, nor cell phone service. Aha, thrown to MN with no outside connections. Green chile cold turkey style. :-(
You guys here are the bestest. I dun wanna go no more.