*Continues to pray that the MDC gets in and MUGaabbbeeee is FINALLY gotten shot of * I am annoyed with MDC breakaway faction nobs. For pity's sake keep it in your trousers till AFTER Mugabe is gone, THEN whine and try to oust Morgan T as head of MDC
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I am posting so that I do not get lumped in with the DramaLlama strikers...LA la laaaaa
I am feeling more human today and may drag myself to my Museum for wandering brainmeat-jiggling thought time. Not that this always results in good thoughts exactly, but thoughts of a particular nature
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I am conflicted over the facebook group that is in protest against the[For All People Born In The Uk Who Feel That All The Immigrants Who Come Over And Claim Benefits And Take Our etc] group.
Some friends of mine on LJ j have joined up to this protest group calling for the above group to be removed from facebook. Also within this protest group
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