Villain Application
Name: Anna
Previously stamped as: Aladdin
Since we respect the LJ-Code, are you over 13:yep
Why don't you name some postive traits:I'm honest, caring, adventurous, creative and friendly. I'm a very loyal person and I would never betray my friends/my family. I don't trust people easily because I have been betrayed many times in the past and my trust has been broken many, many times, but once I trust a person I stand by them even when the whole world goes against them
Now how about some negative traits: I'm stubborn, lazy, sarcastic, critical and mischievous.I try to be optimistic, but my natural cynicism and pessimistic always seems to make an appearance. I always think that If something can go wrong it will go wrong and at the most inopportune time ( at the worst possible time!).Extremely impulsive as I am I always act and then think. I really rush into things without thinking and get into trouble for it.I am sarcastic, especially when I am angry and especially around my friends. I know sometimes I'm overly sarcastic and I make jokes when I probably shouldn't.
This or That
Would you prefer to do evil alone or hire Henchmen:I don't mind hechmen as long as they're loyal and do what I tell them to do. I'm definitely more likley to let henchmen do the dirtywork, I would just give orders.
Do you want things done on a whim or thought out: thought out
Are you the center of attention or under cover: Of course I'm the center of attention.
Extroverted or Introverted: Extroverteddd!
On a scale of one to ten, one being a perfect angel and ten being the devil, how villianous are you? probably 6.5/7
Put in x beside all the words that apply to you or appeal to you.
[x] Destruction.
[ ] Money.
[ ] Power.
[ ] Materialistic.
[x] Manipulation.
[ ] Cunning.
[x] Sadistic.
[x] Superiority.
Anything Else?thank you
Because some villains are worse than others, name one villian you know you aren't: Frollo.
Now link three applications you voted on: