Title: This is the end Author: Renna, renna_esprit Fandom: Friday Night Lights Rating: PG Paring: Tim/Tyra Timeline: during “Pantherama!” Disclaimer: not mine Thanks to lip3384 for beta :) Written for Alianika
Title: When it rains Author: Renna, renna_esprit Fandom: Heroes Rating: R Paring: Elle/Peter Spoilers: 2 season Disclaimer: not mine Word count: about 700 Thanks to raggyanne5 for beta :)
Title: Unopened letter to the world Author: Renna, renna_esprit Fandoms: Gossip Girl/Heroes Rating: PG Pairing: Jenny/Peter Disclaimer: not mine Thanks to GiggaLoop for beta :)
Title: Wherever you will go Author: Renna, renna_esprit Fandom: Veronica Mars Rating: PG-13 Paring: Veronica/Logan Spoilers: “The Bitch Is Back” Disclaimer: not mine Word count: about 600 Thanks to musical_junkie for beta :)
Title: Black, two sugars Author: Renna, renna_esprit Fandom: One Tree Hill Rating: PG Character: Peyton-centric with hints of Peyton/Lucas Spoilers: season 5 Disclaimer: not mine Word count: about 360 Thanks to crashxintoyou for beta :)
Title: Dreamer Author: Renna, renna_esprit Fandom: Supernatural Rating: PG Pairing: Dean/Jo Disclaimer: not mine Word count: about 380 Thanks to stopthesky for beta :)
Title: Do not scratch her Author: Renna, renna_esprit Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII Rating: PG Character: Quistis, Seifer Disclaimer: not mine Word count: about 380 Thanks to Iapis for beta :)
Title: Pretenders Author: Renna, renna_esprit Fandom: Gossip Girl Rating: PG Character: Georgina-centric with hints of Georgina/Dan and Georgina/Serena Spoilers: 1.17 “Woman on the Verge” Disclaimer: not mine Word count: about 240 Thanks to GiggaLoop for beta :)
Title: Random facts Author: Renna, renna_esprit Fandom: Resident Evil Rating: PG Pairing: one-sided Ashley/Leon Disclaimer: not mine Word count: about 670 Thanks to Sydon for beta.