what makes us who we are? What is our soul? Is it our memories, locked in the corners of our mind? Is it our emotions, racing through our veins? Is it our thoughts, ever wondering why? What is it that makes us unique, different from the rest? How do we differentiate ourselves when mundane means are not enough? What are we underneath?
As Deann requested, here is a bit more of the scribblings I flatter as my writings. This is the prologue to the book I'm writing. Hope y'all like it
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Secrets are dreadful things. Horrible bits the past that come back to taint the lives they live in. Skeletons that reach from the closet to strangle good people in their grasp
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So, James got his new video card, which means I now have his old. So now I can play Doom3, which I promptly went out and bought. Yay me. Next big computer purchase, more ram. Might pick that up later today or tomorrow.
So, last week at this time I was feeling pretty damned stressed out. Just took my first (of 3) tests in philosophy and scored a whopping 65 points out of 100 possible. That's right, Jon the smartass knowitall failed a test
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Given that Tuesday is Valentines Day, I am not going to plan on running game. Go out, be with your significant others, get lucky, leave the dice at home.
So, today I have been informed that, when in public, I have a tendacy to act, how to say, like a gigantic brute. Or something like that. James can inform you of the exact language used
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i had my job interview at the Target DC tonight. Several pointed questions about Payless and safety were asked. I answered all honestly. That may have seriously harmed my chances.