As a man, I don't mind seeing girls in costumes that make them look like whores. But honestly, there is nothing scary about a school girl or a naughty maid. Unless they're very heavy girls
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I love this girl to death, but is it wrong of me not to give a flippin flying squirrel about her ex-boyfriend? At all? I'm not being inconsiderate, but I just don't care for the guy.
In other news, I'm coming home Nov 22-27 so mark your calendars and tell all your friends. I miss everybody.
Yellowcard graced our campus last night, and it was one bamfing concert.
I realize how fortunate I am to live in California. Esepcially when my suitmate from Pittsburg looks out the windown on an overcast, chilly day and exclaims with a fully sincere heart, "What a beautiful day."
And all I can think to myself is, "What a crappy day."
Last night at the hooka bar, Courtney asked me how I met Kim and I went on to tell the story. Essentialy, I walked Kim back to her dorm
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