Moore Round Robin, 4.2!

Dec 29, 2009 22:22

Previously on the Moore Round Robin:
Generation 1 (simmericangirl)
1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | Poll

Generation 2 (l-amanda)
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | Poll

Generation 3 (simsforaranya)
3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 (+Poll)

Generation 4 (me!)
4.1 | 4.2

Last time, Dante was announced as heir and moved into a home that give him a mortgage that hovered between 50-60,000 simoleons of debt. He was not a particularly personable Romance sim, with practically no outgoing or nice points. Despite getting one of the welcome wagon autonomously into bed within the first hour, he had trouble finding someone with more than a bolt of chemistry with him. He desperately put himself in more debt to use the TwoJeffs magic crystal ball, which gave him Deline spare spawn Miranda Charvat as his ultimate match. Even though moving her in gave us absolutely no money, it helped further the cause of progeny! After a dismal round of Christmas decorating, Miranda gave birth to the first kids of generation 4: two sons named in Elvish Sindarin - Arthnir and Brannion.

So what do you say to a nice quickie after breakfast?

It would be a good idea if I didn't have to be to work in an hour. With my demotion, it's probably best if I'm on my best behavior for the forseeable future. We can have fun after I get back, though!

Miranda's barely out of the room when Dante whips out his cell phone.

Though Dante's first interactions with Kay were shaky at best, they've been cultivating a friendship over the phone...

It must have worked out well for him, because she's coming on to him on the front porch!

And that's all it takes to capture the oftentimes fickle heart of Dante Moore! Of course, he can't spend all of his attention on Kay here.

Babies need diaper changes and bottles!

This is why I didn't want to have any babies.

You should've tried to look much, much uglier in your younger years, then.

Not that it's necessarily a bad thing to leave Kay unattended. Unless you have problems with her striking up conversations with random strangers about Transformers.

I heard Revenge of the Fallen was awarded worst movie of 2009!

You'd think Kay'd eventually mind that Dante wasn't giving her undivided attention...

...but this just brought to her attention how much the gardening needed to be done. Well, if you're going to make it so easy on us...

You know, I consider you one of my best friends, Kay.

I'm flattered!

I've got this big empty house, and I'm sure I'd charge much less in rent than that scuzzy landlord of yours.

It sounds almost too good to be true!

There might be something in it for me, too.

Don't get too excited. This won't actually go towards paying off Dante's debts.

Some of Kay's move-in funds were to cozy up her bedroom and get a decent bed.

Kay's a pleasure sim who wants to be a professional party guest. That explains her showing up to the club drunk in the middle of the afternoon last update.

Ohhhhh...alcoholic business lunches! It all makes sense now.

I'm sure Kay's higher-ups didn't notice any of her drunken truancy til right this second.

Oh sure, you're smart enough not to mention the roach problem of last update, but you do tell her about it as soon as she's moved in the queen size!

So, was it the roaches or Dante's love-rod that made it LURV, Kay?

Good news! Dante's so afraid to get engaged to Kay now that he isn't afraid to get engaged to Miranda!

Not that Kay's a patron saint, either, it seems.

A promotion!

Wait, this isn't my old position. I got demoted that much?!

So...about our conversation this morning, Dante!

OH! In a second, hon. I have something to tell you. We've been having trouble making ends meet, and I didn't want you to be stressed with your workload and the kids. A good friend of mine's going to be our roommate!

Oh, hello there. I hope you don't mind looking after the boys if Dante and I end up having to work the same hours.

Sure thing.

How on earth can this be going that well? didn't go to college and are now the owner of your own company. I got a perfectly useful degree that I'm wasting trying to make it as an actress. Boy do I feel stupid!

Kay's doing her best to make the entry into the household as smooth as possible. Especially considering she bedded Miranda's boyfriend mere hours ago.

That's a good way to keep suspicion down, Dante!

I still don't see why that's necessary.

Oh, in a little while, I think you will.


I had totally forgotten that a helicopter was coming for Kay's carpool. This is not acceptable.

Quick view of what Dante's neighbors see when they walk by. Eccentric doesn't begin to cover it.

No more helicopters for Kay! And, since she's a business tycoon, it couldn't be some itty bitty thing, so it's a nice respectable Chevy Monte Carlo. It was over 5 grand, which more than takes care of the balance of the money she brought in plus the next paycheck. It's not like she's supposed to really pay off the mortgage...she just needs to live there to have more Moores.

I feel horrible!

As well you should. The father of your baby is now engaged to someone else, and you have to pretend that your affair doesn't exist.

...Kay's good at pretending. As she helps with the twins' first birthday.


...gets lighter hair since dad is a blonde, plus a more wintery outfit.

Here's Brannion. They both seem to be decent mixes of their parents, however neither got Dante's elf ears.

I am unfulfilled in this career!

Sorry, you are too poor to be unemployed and there are no artist positions yet.

After an exhausted Miranda collapses upstairs, these two have a covert holiday rendezvous downstairs. How on earth Kay can be satisfied with this, I don't know.

They also break in Kay's car.

And have a snowball fight to cool down afterwards.

Which is good, since Dante came up and finally convinced Miranda on the "morning quickie" thing. He hasn't even showered since the carsex with Kay. Ew.

Kay's on maternity leave, which leaves her free to watch the twins with no complaints. I wonder what tale they told Miranda to explain the pregnancy. Maybe that her pregnancy is what made her need to move in with them, despite earning tons of cash on her own?

Kay's too dependent. Dante, of course, is on the phone with yet another woman.

I was getting my game on!

You're still practically an indentured servant. At least you have an interesting job, wage-slave!

I like how Arthnir is completely disinterested in his own potty training.

Pull it again, Brannion! I want to know what the cow says.

Another chance card! I am so bad at these...

...Dante has some dumb, nearly worthless luck.

Miranda finally finds a job in the artist career and, I swear to god, when she gets that camera, she's giving it to her favorite distant cousins down the street.

I'm sure it's an innocuous gift. Not anything possibly illicit there.

You're right. Dante's too much of an idiot to be able to convince a smart woman like Kay into a horrible living arrangement like that if she's his mistress.

You're going to have trouble babysitting with a belly that big.

Yay! Pirate! *clappy hands*

What are you talking about, Kay? Transformers Revenge of the Fallen was a cinematic masterpiece, of course!

Dante, some people happen to have more discerning tastes in cinema. Kay's entitled to think that it was a bloated piece of crap like the majority of the western world, just like you're allowed to love it because you have a crush on Megan Fox.

Oh yeah, you better feel guilty, Kay.

...I guess I should at least be glad that they manage to wait until Miranda is occupied elsewhere to do things like this.

It is amusing that after a couple of interactions, Dante is ready to perform his OCD cleaning routine, which is more important than romantic interactions.

I'm sure that Dante will realize how much he cares about me when he sees me holding his baby!

I wouldn't hold your breath.

The toddlers are currently being housed at this rather empty space on the second floor at the top of the stairs. I originally thought it would make a good playroom/skill room, but this is good for now. I didn't want to sell the cribs or changing table just yet.

The toilet still beckons toddlers with its siren's call.

Nice to see that townies with ugly combovers can steal our newspaper. Perhaps he was looking for a hairdresser. you hear yelling coming from the house?


Well, what do you think happened?

We have a boy, Caranír: Taken from caran (red) and nír (man). He has his father's gray eyes, black hair, and a skin close to his father's tone.

Finally, a girl! Though I decided to run down the alphabet on top of my themes, I got a little out of order. This is Élchiril: Taken from él (star) and hiril (lady). She's got pale skin like her mother, her father's eyes, and black hair.

Mommy, no, don't leave me here with this doofus!

Kay, you aren't...Dante, I think she's going to have another one!

The third (and final) birth is another girl: Daeiel: Taken from dae (shadow) and iel (daughter, maiden). An S1-ish skin, her mother's gray eyes, and black hair. I think I am probably set with children and variety this gen, though I reserve the right to have my sixth allotted child. ;P

Elchiril continues to be a very lucid hour-old infant. Miranda is perfectly willing to reciprocate on helping with the childcare. Good thing, since we've got three infants, two toddlers, and a still very-real lack of cash money.

SO...the room that was given to Kay was the largest room in the upstairs. All of the blankets and cribs, plus the changing table were moved in here. Kay's new bedroom is the old nursery.

And the empty space upstairs is sectioned off into a room and prepped for the twins' upcoming birthday and graduation to childhood. It also had the side benefit of preventing their parents from paying down their mortgage.

The house is full of children, this should be fun, eh?

...I think you might need to grow a little bit more responsible, Dante.

I was thinking, Kay, I know this isn't any of my business, but if you want to tell me the name of the douche who got you pregnant than abandoned you, I'd totally cut off his arms. thanks, Miranda.

Sometimes violence is the answer!

I think it's commendable how well three adults with full time jobs are managing this house full of tiny children.

Dante's even gotten downright paternal at times.

Still, this is a glorious day~~~~~




...he looks a lot like his father.

Daeiel (who got little pigtails in her makeover).

Elchiril didn't get much hair in her transition, but she IS the only child that inherited Dante's ears.

She looks like a little porcelain doll.

Arthnir already feels his status as first-born sinking, and he's not even aware that Elchiril is really his sister!

I'm going to take the trash out now, Daddy!

Good boy.

Kay is trying to bond with Daeiel, but I don't know if the aliens' habit of artificial insemination is an age-appropriate topic!

Everyone in the house is asleep simultaneously for once, and this HAPPENS. But I'm not worried, I put a burglar alarm on the lot before I mortgaged it to Dante.

This cute, little...non-ringing burglar alarm.


Of course the thief has to steal the $5500 car...that has no car alarm because it's parked in the garage.

By the time Dante got up, it was too late...but he was happy to meet the douche that just lifted the most expensive thing in the hosue!

I get access to build/buy mode again, and I go straight to the alarm.

A-HA! Is now functional! a single room radius.

The irony of this is I used to place one by every door because it was practical in a real-life sense, and now I have an alarm that functions like this and I botched it up.

Elchiril's young life has been ruined because someone has stolen a car she has never seen.

I think Arthnir has realized that his youngest "sister" might be his main competition for heir.

Word of warning, kid. Someday she WILL be big enough to kick your ass.


We has been wobbed.

Brannion wants to remind us all that he exists.

And it appears that Kay is starting to realize just why moving in with a dude who already has a family might not have been such a smart idea.

There you go, we've also got a full townie that I had to run circles around to keep her from making us stinking rich. :P Though the lack of jealousy and the downright sneakiness of Dante and Kay has been amusing to see...all of the kids are pretty cute so far.

I think I'm done having kids, I can't really justify moving in another woman, and they honestly don't have enough extra cash to get an expensive telescope to get Dante abducted, so this is probably the heir pool. Almost even in gender, and as much variety as you can expect from a guy who only likes women with dominant genetics. (If the person after me needs a small tutorial on modifying the heir in SimPE so s/he ends up with a gene for Dante's blonde hair or his gray eyes, if necessary, I have no problem doing that so we haven't cursed the Moores to brown/black hair FOREVER because Dante fails at romance.)

I have a Deline update to post next, and then I don't know what to play! It's probably close to time to cut off the Randolph heir poll, so I may do that. Or play more Moores, I don't want to hold on to them for too awfully long. ;)

round robin, moore round robin, brazen meadows

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