why do people get jobs where using a computer is the main part of your job, when they have no f-ing clue how to use a computer?! what kind of interview processes are there that can't tell that a person doesn't know the difference between logging onto a computer, and logging onto a web site? or what an "OK" button is? I can understand home users
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Comments 8
Sure, I don't make as much money, but I'm saner, happier, and my job is far more rewarding IMHO.
I went to a job fair there because I was working at BJ's in Woodbridge and they would not give me full time...the weird thing is I flat out told the interviewer at Erol's that I knew very little about computers.
I am very thankful VERY VERY thankful they hired me. I know quite a bit more about computers now, but I confess that my boyfriend Tim still knows hella more about them than I do. The truth is, some of us just use them TO do out job and really nothing more, so I guess I just don't go reading up on the latest stuff to add to a computer or whatever.
I am suprised you don't hate me =)
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