I've made a damn good profit off a certain someone'scertain organ. Note to self: dark, shady strangers pay very well for moderately fresh/functional organs.
Ring's being a drunken, whiney bitch. As a wraith I suppose I should be actively caring. But I realize it was my liquor that got him in that condition and as a scumbag I therefore shant be
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Went drinking with Ringie and Ancalime. Haven't seen that little fucker since... last age? Yeah. Man, just like old times. Except this time I wasn't chasing it around and screaming and there weren't any hobbits or unshaven, stinking men or fuckin dwarves and there was finally a hot chick.... ok, so maybe it was nothing like old times
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I've spent the last couple week ressurecting Lulu the Fell Winged Beast. She's one bitchin ride. Fiesty one too, I seem to have lost the last two fingers on my left hand. It looks badass though.... right? .... Right. So, who's got that silmaril nowadays, I feel like doin some good ol' fashioned harassin' (ringbearers are so last age)