If I was a man and uttered that first statement, I’d be pretty ashamed of myself. I guess that gives away the fact that I just got finished watching some porn. Jaded minds read jaded words. Entry. *snickers*
Peace is my current disposition. Getting drunk and faded last night has been the peak
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I can't wait to start the next school semester. This one's already wearing me down, it's not so bad though considering the fact that I've about a week left until i'm on winter break. I feel like writing, but god damn... I don't want to write anything useful. Spending my evenings catering to those in need of hair transfiguration has been decent.
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I know you well. You are a part of me. I know you better than I know myself. I know you best, better than anyone. I know you better than I know myself.
There's a bright green glow-in-the-dark Jesus hanging suspended off the rear view mirror of the car that I dirve. I guess my mom puts him, along with a few rosaries, prayer cards, and random pictures of saints in her car because these bits and pieces of plastic and paper are supposed to shield her from the stupidity of Guamanian drivers. I'm using
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You ever clamp down on things and hold them dear as you would your own life, barely coming to the realization that there's no reason behind any of it? I woke up one day and realized that all my values and everything that ever had any meaning to me were composed of mindless obsessions with conformity. I'm a fake. An idiot. I would not deny these
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Damn you, crappy mikeless weight-gaining pre-history exam weekend. You fucker. Oooo. Aggression is tasty. Ignoring the noise today went pretty well. The church choir got to playing a few songs that I remembered playing for school a year back. I still know how to play a bunch of the songs. When I got home, I took on my ax and botched that shit up so
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Today was a reeeaally fucking good day. Especially in contrast with the shit day that yesterday rendered itself to be. Come to think of it, any day would probably seem like a good day compared to what yesterday was like. Trust me, it was fucking vile. But anyway... Today was just awesome all over
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