Title: Like a Rock Rated: NC-17 Disclaimer: I do not own them. Characters: Clark/Jason Summary: Jason is furious and he doesn't know what to do with his anger, but that's okay, because Clark can handle it.
Title: Undercover Gone Awry Rated NC-17 Disclaimer: I do not own them. Characters: Tim/Original Character, Dick Summary: Undercover Missions don't always go as planned.
Title: Crumbling Rooftops Rated NC-17 Disclaimer: I do not own them. Characters: Jason/Tim Warning: Rape Summary: Jason's insane, and pissed about being replaced.
Title: Alley Firsts Rated NC-17 Disclaimer: I do not own them. I wish I did. Characters: Jason/Tim Summary: Tim's in the alley where he'd told Jason he'd meet him. Smut ensues.