upupa_epops ended up afflicted with more hours of work, and I ended up being afflicted with spare time because I'm on a break, ficathon!
The Anything But Song Lyrics Comment Ficathon
What's this about?
The fall tv season is upon us, bringing new shows and excitement and/or disappointment with returning ones, so lets celebrate and/or commiserate. Post prompts, answer prompts that inspire you with fanfiction. Any and all fandoms are eligible, but prompts cannot be song lyrics. If you do I will hunt you down, no one will check, probably, but I'm relying on your desire to have some fun and try some new prompts.
Mostly gacked from
here 1. Prompting: Prompt as much as you like, but post only one prompt per comment. Please use the following format: Fandom, Character(s)/Ship(s) [optional], Prompt
2. Fills: Post fills, or a link to your fill, as a reply to the prompt. When you fill a prompt, please link to it as a reply in
this thread. Your header should include the title, rating, and any warnings that apply (characters, ships, and prompts answered optional). You're more than welcome to fill a prompt that has already been answered.
3. Since some of us are understandably left floundering without song lyrics to prompt, I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread to
suggest places you can go to find inspiration for prompts.
4. Have fun!
If you would like to promote this ficathon, there is a
post on tumblr, or use the promotion link with banner below:">">
The Anything But Song Lyrics Comment Ficathon Fandom-specific banners are
here. If anyone is kind enough to make banners, please leave them in this thread.
Questions and comments can be directed
love the one you're with | R | TVD - Caroline (/Stefan /Tyler)renaissance is the way to go | T | TVD - Katherine faithless you and selfish me | PG13 | TVD - Caroline/JeremyFive Perfectly Acceptable Reasons to Get Out of Bed in the Morning | R | Agents of Shield - Melinda MayEight Weeks Probation | PG13 | Veronica Mars - Logan & Mac