May 09, 2009 03:01
if i was the person i am today i would have never broken your heart ..
please accept my apology one day?
Feb 01, 2008 03:14
why do girls tear friendships apart & shatter hearts?
it's all they ever end up doing in the end.
i'm fucking sick of this shit.
Sep 22, 2007 00:44
i'm sick of being on the verge of tears all the time.
my body isn't going to be able to take this stress anymore.
i'm falling apart.
someone, please help.
Sep 20, 2007 02:05
i really just want to curl up and die.
Sep 10, 2007 05:29
the only real clear answer to any of my questions is why i just gave up....
you didn't give me any hope.
Sep 03, 2007 23:08
i really just want to scream...
Aug 20, 2007 16:33
so do people like to make up random shit about me???
this is so fucked up.
im so mad and so miserable.
Aug 16, 2007 22:50
and like that...he's gone.