Masterlist of all my fanfiction

Dec 05, 2020 13:01

Masterlist (updated September 2012)
N/B - the story-title takes you to the fic. The list is arranged by date order with oldest first.
Disclaimer: I mean no offence and court no profits, these boys belong to others more talented and deserving, I merely borrow them, play a while then return them all cleaned up and smiley.
Please read all warnings before sinking into the warm bath that is my fic! If you do not like explicit, m/m sexings between, fictitious, consenting males, why are you here?
Feedback is much courted and adored!

posted 2009
STAR TREK XI fiction
Chris/Karl RPS
Nc-17, Kirk/McCoy, 7,000 words
Summary: Bones has a crush on his captain and it’s driving him crazy. Will he ever be able to sleep again or look his captain in the eye without blushing? He needs a plan of action to free him from this obsession.
Intriguing snippet:
Bones, you’re wound pretty tight these days. Something you want to tell me?”

What could he possibly say? I love you, you blonde-haired pretty boy? I can’t sleep ‘cause you’re driving me crazy?

Funny How Smells Take You Back
Nc-17, Kirk/McCoy, 1,000 words
Summary: Post medal ceremony, post party, Jim and Bones wake up the morning after the night before
A/N: This was in response to cards_slash 69 prompt , originally posted here
Intriguing snippet:
McCoy thought they’d never get away from the passing out party. Couldn’t wait to get Jim alone in the cab, had to check the medal was still on his dress uniform after he’d mussed him up a little on the back seat.

Like Starships in the Night
nc-17, Kirk/McCoy, 3,500 words
Summary: McCoy goes to a gig and feels an attraction to a stranger who reminds him of Jim.
Intriguing snippet:
The lights changed as another number ended and McCoy got a clear look at the cadet’s expression. Eyes dead ahead, his face revealed nothing but excited interest in the band - hmm… this guy would make a great chess player.

Categories of Touch
Summary: While studying, McCoy is irritated by Kirk’s fidgeting and decides a foot massage will calm him down but touch never calms Kirk down!
Intriguing snippet:
He felt McCoy’s hands cupping his feet. Mmm, felt nice, comforting and he could hear McCoy’s voice mumbling all low and growly - he must have sat down on the floor, by the end of the bed.

Bones Bakes
nc-17, Kirk/McCoy/Spock, 2,000 words
Summary: Bones bakes a cake and is interrupted - PWP
A/N: Written as a fun response to this fic by cards_slash sweat, paint and blue-jeans
Intriguing snippet:
Bones pulled away a little so he could turn his head and look at Jim. He had an adorable smudge of flour on his nose which turned down the effect of his scowl.

Five Forehead Kisses
PG-13, Kirk/McCoy, 2,000 words
Summary: In which I link random scenes with forehead kisses
Intriguing snippet:
Jim didn't comment on how this was totally out of character for Bones. It would have been like acknowledging a skittish cat that had finally crept out from under the couch - so he acted like this was something that happened every day.

Kiss the Sky written in response to space_married
nc-17, Kirk/McCoy, 7,000
Summary: Kirk is too late for his wedding day and tries to get Bones to the altar a second time.
Intriguing snippet:
One thing McCoy had made clear was that if he turned up on the wedding day with a black eye or split lip - he’d fucking kill him.

Fight Club
Title: written in response to the reel_startrek challenge
nc-17, Kirk/McCoy, 11,500 words
Summary: Through the academy years, Kirk and McCoy share a secret. Kirk runs underground fight clubs for men to work off their frustrations. How will he rein himself in and become fit for command?
Intriguing snippet:
Kirk had stripped to the waist, his lean, muscled torso covered in a sheen of perspiration, his sweat pants riding so low that McCoy could make out a fine line of hairs beckoning beyond the waist band.
A/N: check out the incredible art work by juneinblue to go with this fic.

deleted scene to Fight Club: Pandora’s Box
nc-17, Kirk/McCoy, AU-ish, approx 4,000 words complete
Summary: Through the academy years, Kirk and McCoy share a secret. Kirk runs underground fight clubs for men to work off their frustrations. In this ‘deleted scene’ from my original, McCoy can’t seem to control his addiction to Jim.
Intriguing snippet: Over the months McCoy’s stayed away mostly, and he’s still only fought the once. Fight Club comes with its own rewards for him - you can keep the man-high, fuck the adrenaline rush - it was Jim, always Jim.

The Director’s Cut
nc-17, Kirk/McCoy/Spock, 4,500 words
Summary: It’s PWP, folks! There’s three handsome officers on shore-leave, in a house after dinner and they’re wondering what they should have for dessert.
Intriguing snippet:
Jim didn’t bother clearing his throat - it wouldn’t have made any difference. Sometimes, truth be told, he felt like a spare part. There they were, kissing like it was the three minute warning and they’d better damn well make the moment as full and beautiful as possible, limited as they were with just one tongue and one set of hands each.

Still my Beating Heart
Nc-17, Spike/McCoy - this is a Buffy and Star Trek 11 crossover for the spook_me challenge but should appeal to all Kirk/McCoy shippers so give it a go! 7,000 words
Summary: It’s the 23rd Century and Spike’s left Earth and taken up residence on Risa, the Las Vegas of the galaxy. One night he bumps into Leonard McCoy, drowning his sorrows at the bar. They hook up and drink and find they have a lot in common when it comes to death, loss and grief. A very angsty piece with no sign of ghosties and ghoulies horror, but plenty of the emotional kind. Get your tissues out.
Intriguing snippet:
The guy sitting with his back to him at the bar was tall and had a cloud of doom and gloom hanging over him, just like his sire, and he was engaged in good old Irish therapy - knocking back shots like he was trying to forget something.

The Ringmaster
Nc-17, Kirk/McCoy, 2,500 words
Summary: AU set sometime in the 19C before medical hygiene and dermal regenerators, McCoy, the circus hobo clown is summoned by ringmaster, Kirk, who needs some medical attention.
Intriguing snippet:
The only sound as Kirk unbuttoned his pants was the tick - tock of the clock by the bed. McCoy’s breath slowed, spellbound by Kirk’s long, pale fingers moving over the mother of pearl and fawn colored buckskin.
A/N: This was written in answer to this prompt at the October 69 costume meme: costume party trick or treat challenge at cards_slash ’s journal.
Part 2
Part 3
part 4a

Awesome banner by avictoriangirl

Autopsy of the Heart
nc-17, Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/other, McCoy/other, Sulu, Spock/Uhura, Gaila, Cupcake, Frank, Jocelyn, OC Kevin, 30,000 words
summary: Kirk and McCoy star in a study of romantic love set in the first year at the academy - directly inspired by philosopher Alain de Botton’s On Love - it has a classic plot - boy meet boy, boy gets boy, boy loses boy etc. It’s indie, it’s angsty, it’s thinky, it packed with ULT (unresolved love tension). If they just talked about their feelings, where would be the fun in that?
parts 1- 3
parts 4-7
parts 8-13
parts 14-18
parts 19-21
parts 22-24
Posted for 2009 startrekbigbang
Autopsy ‘deleted scene’ Stop Looking at Me

the mix here

I was lucky enough to have two artists!

link to Art 1 by nix_this

link to Art 2 by ashleyj28

White Blanket
G, Spock, Kirk, friendship, 1,700 words
Summary: The battle for Nero is over, Spock meditates and takes stock. He thinks about Jim. It’s an attempt at a character study.
A/N: This was a birthday present for awarrington
Intriguing snippet:
“…as one-“he’d finished saying and it was as if Jim had grabbed him by the hand and pulled Spock over a cliff with him into free-fall.

The Gift
Pg-13, Spock/McCoy, 1,000 words
Summary: McCoy makes Spock jump on his birthday
A/N: This was originally a birthday present for cards_slash and posted as a comment fic.
Intriguing snippet:
McCoy was looking at him with that look. Once upon a time it would have been followed by an insult with ‘hobgoblin’ attached. Now it meant, “You wait till I get you naked, you pointy-eared bastard.”

Golden Boy
nc-17, Kirk/McCoy, 10, 000 words
Summary: When Kirk return to Earth after defeating Nero, an old ‘flame’ tries to blackmail him. Kirk takes matters into his own hands.
Intriguing snippet:
And Jim was doing his pretending-to-be-drunk thing, which McCoy had witnessed in so many pool halls and maybe once or twice in his own seduction. This way it was easy to get behind enemy lines, feigning weakness, making out he was the goat tethered to the post for the lion and then he’d turn.

The Ribbon for 2009 space_wrapped
nc-17, Kirk/McCoy, 4,500 words complete
Summary: Christmas Eve, and McCoy can’t wait to open his present.
Intriguing snippet:
“Green and red and white,” McCoy growled, licking his lips. “How festive, and there was I, thinking you weren’t one for details.”
Part 2

pg-13, Kirk/McCoy, 1,200 words complete
summary Jim is crying
Intriguing snippet: McCoy hated himself for it, but at that moment, the only thing he wished for, the only thing he’d trade with the Devil for, was that Jim should still be alive.

for 2009 space_wrapped
pg, Kirk/McCoy, Joanna, 3,000 words complete
summary Jim and Bones go and see Joanna’s Christmas pageant. They’re called into the Principal’s office beforehand.
Intriguing snippet: “My daddy says hobgoblin too, so it can’t be a bad word because he never says bad words,” Jo-Jo huffed, folding her arms. Her legs swung several centimetres from the ground. She didn’t have shoes on, just her socks and the rest of her costume. This was bad timing. She’d been all happy and the grown-ups had spoiled everything again.

posted 2010
Three Months, One Day
nc-17,Kirk/McCoy, approx 1,000 words complete
Summary: Jim wakes up in an empty bed. He worries.
A/N: written for the st_respect prompt #2 challenge, ‘Ain’t No Sunshine When He’s Gone’.
Intriguing snippet: Three months for Jim to bag Bones and get him into his bed. Naked.

And just three months and one night to lose him.

Don’t Play with Your Food
nc-17, Kirk/McCoy, approx 1000, complete
Summary: Jim is convalescing and loses his appetite. Bones to the rescue.
A/N: This was written for st_respect prompt ncc-17
Intriguing snippet: “Deal is you eat everything I give you, and I’ll do the same - clear?”


“Take off your clothes. Do it slow.”

Jim smirked and made a nice show of shaking his head free of the tangle of cotton…

Shiny, Shiny
nc-17, Chris/Karl, approx 1,700 words complete
Summary: Karl’s feeling possessive - it’s PWP, folks.
Author’s notes: Goodness me! Who would have thought I’d ever do this? I was helpless in the light of all those photos of Karl looking like he owns Chris. RPS
Intriguing snippet: Karl seemed to know how to handle the attention in a way that Chris just couldn’t seem to manage. He was desperate for a smoke, desperate to get out of the fucking suit, desperate to be alone with Karl.

The Plan
sequel to Shiny, Shiny
nc-17, Karl/Chris, approx 6,000 words complete
Summary: Chris has a plan. There is mansex involved.
Intriguing snippet: His timing will have to be just right and, as ever, Chris has done his research, although you won’t find anything about it in his notebooks. Karl’s as much of a character to study as a new role, and what he says, his rhythms, and his tropes are etched on Chris’s skin, his tongue, his heart. He’ll spot the signs.

Stop Looking at Me
nc-17 , Kirk/McCoy, approx 6,300
summary McCoy wants to watch. Jim doesn’t object but he’s been reading Marcel Proust and love is on his mind. Like Autopsy, it’s indie, it’s angsty, it’s thinky - if only they’d talk about their feelings, eh?
A/N this follows the prompt: someone masturbating, or watching someone masturbating, on km_anthology and is a ‘deleted scene’ from Autopsy of the Heart

I wanna be your dog
PG-13, Kirk/McCoy, approx 2050
summary AU set in the present. Spock is the dog whiperer, McCoy is his cameraman - their latest client is one, Jim Kirk, with an unruly Doberman
Author's Note: This was written for the st_respect challenge In the Doghouse
Intriguing snippet: “It is preferable to project calm, assertive energy when in close proximity to dogs,” Spock said in an even tone.

“Well, I fucking know that,” McCoy groused.

nc-17, Kirk/McCoy, mild Kirk/OC , approx 3,200 words complete
Summary: Two weeks after their first meeting in the shuttle, Kirk and McCoy bump into each other in a bar. The following day, Jim remembers the night before. He’s kind of squirming in his seat.
A/N: This was originally a comment fic in our private, Team Jones, battle-post, theme - ‘First Times.’
Intriguing snippet: McCoy turned around, leaned his hip on the bar, looked Jim up and down, like he was a scientific discovery or something. That’s how he’d looked at Jim on the shuttle that time. Now he let himself think about it, yeah, that had annoyed and intrigued him then too.

Cap 10 Bulge and McSnarkypants
pg-13, Kirk/McCoy, approx 400 words
Summary: Jim annoys Bones with his text messaging - cracky comment fic
Intriguing snippet:
McSnarkypantz: message sent 23:02
Stop sending me messages. I’m busy.

Homecoming 1/1 co-written with lindmere
pg-13, Kirk/McCoy, 4045 words, complete,
summary: McCoy spends time with young Joanna at their family home. She wants McCoy to tell her a fairy tale, and it brings back difficult times with Kirk.
A/N: This is a response to the st_respect prompt/challenge - ‘Fairy Tale’ and is set in the reboot universe.
Intriguing snippet: “Daddy, tell me a story… a real story. With--a prince and a princess, and adventures, and they fight witches and monsters and stuff.”

“A fairy tale, you mean.” Leonard knows a story like that. That it happens to be on Leonard’s do not think about list is beside the point. "Fine, scoot over."

Blame it on a Rush of Blood to the Head
nc-17, RPS,
Karl/Chris, approx 5,000 words complete
Summary: Chris wants to talk about Kirk and McCoy’s ‘motivation’.
Author’s notes:. Response to this prompt on the Kirk/McCoy kink!meme - where anon asked for Karl/Chris to role-play Jim/Bones.



“I’ve been thinking-”

Karl’s eyebrows become one. No, not that, Chris wants to say, but can’t, so he carries on. “I’ve been thinking about Kirk, about McCoy -”

Space Dust 1/1
PG, Jim Kirk (AOS), gen, approx 1,500 words complete
Summary: some hours after the Narada, Jim’s alone for the first time
Warnings: none
Author’s notes: This was written in response to challenge # 9 at st11forxi - There and Back Again . Unbeta’d.
Jim feels like a phony - this is Pike’s territory and he’s a stowaway morphed into Captain through chance.

Future Altering Paradoxes 1/1
pg-13, Kirk/McCoy (AOS), approx 1,400 words complete
Summary: A few days after the Narada incident, The Enterprise is almost back home. Things are quiet and Jim pays Bones a visit in sickbay to discuss the future. A sequel, to Space Dust
Warnings: it’s a teeny-weeny bit thinky
Author’s notes: This was written in response to challenge # 10 st11forxi - Postcards from the Future .
“No. If we can’t change anything, we can’t change anything. Maybe some things are meant to happen and it’s like whatever road you take, you always get back to the same destination.”

Carry on, Bones, 1/?
pg-13 - R, Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/Sulu, Kirk/anyone else who wants to play, also in this and later parts, appearances from Winona, Spock, Gaila, Uhura and, later, some cats. (AOS)- WIP, approx 3,500 words (this part)
Summary: AU set in 23rd century Boston, owing both plot and premise to Jeeves and Wooster; Jim has inherited a lot of money and is leading the life of a gentleman of leisure - he’s got Winona nagging him to get married, can’t seem to remember to keep his clothes on and has just engaged a new butler, one Leonard McCoy.
Warnings: It’s cracky, silly, there's cussing and all those other things you’d expect but I really couldn’t resist writing it! I mean - McCoy as a grouchy butler - what could possibly go wrong?
Author’s notes: a birthday gift for skyblue_reverie who is a massive Jeeves and Wooster fan.

No more fights, he’s promised Winona. Not now. He’s trying for a life with a modicum of respectability. Being ‘upstanding’ - he recalls - that’s what she said he needs to work on: no more senseless fighting, quit drinking, no more promiscuity and definitely No Getting Arrested.

The Wound is Healed, 1/1
nc-17, Karl/Chris, approx 3,000 words complete
Summary: Chris hates his scars. Karl doesn’t.
Warnings: RPS - avoid if this offends you. Also lots of bad language, angst and implied infidelity.
Author’s notes:. Response to this prompt on the buckleup_meme ,where anon asked for Karl showing Chris how beautiful he is.

Written for norfolkdumpling who made bespoke icons for the mods at jim_and_bones .

“So, what’s brought your bitch on, Chris? It was just a photo-shoot… did something happen?”

Mar Azul, 1/1
pg-13, for language and sexual references, Kirk/McCoy, Jocelyn (AOS),approx 2,700 words complete
Summary: Their marriage is over and Leonard and Jocelyn have one last, tense dinner. Leonard can’t help but notice the cook through the serving hatch.
Warnings: none
Author’s notes: I got to thinking what if Jim and Bones met briefly the night before the shuttle ride, and this is the result.

Leonard gave up on doing and saying the right thing half way through the appetizer, he’s on the beer now, drinking straight out of the bottle, despite Jocelyn’s aversion to such ‘ungentlemanly’ behavior, and he glances over at the hatch and watches the cook as he places dishes on the counter.

They Will Say it’s Elementary, 1/1
nc-17, Kirk/McCoy, AOS, approx 2,500 words complete
Summary: Jim and Bones grab some alone-time at a wedding. That’s the plot, yeah - PWP folks!
Warnings: those suits are getting some abuse
Author’s notes: A piece of fluffy-ish PWP, inspired partly by this prompt at the buckleup_meme , although slightly modified, and this post on jim_and_bones - those boys look gorgeous in suits and needed to show their approval.
A birthday gift for easilymused1956

“Trust me, I’ve been thinking about nothing else since you… you bastard, parading around in that suit like a fucking peacock-“

Planets in Alignment
Mirror!Kirk/Mirror!McCoy (AOS), approx 2,500 words complete, pg-13
Summary: A busy night at the academy infirmary. Guess who needs treatment…
Warnings: bad language, threats of and references to violence, very mild medical gore. Bad attitudes.
Author’s notes: This was a response to
this picture of a tired and 'mean' looking Chris Pine on jim_and_bones and it’s my first foray into mirror!verse.

The curtain dividing the waiting area from the treatment room swings violently, hits him on the arm. McCoy spins round, doesn’t quite manage to stifle the “What the fuck !” which escapes before he can see who’s standing there, grinning like a fucking wolf, a wolf bleeding all over his godamned floor.

And Planets in Alignment continues with:
2nd in series: Venus Ascending
3rd in series: Days of Saturn (posted 2011)
4th in series Title: The Brightest of the Planets is Mars (posted 2012)

Banner by the lovely avictoriangirl !

Jim and Bones (AOS), r, approx 1,950 complete
summary Jim and Bones are on honeymoon in Italy. They hire a car - it’s not what they expected! Mild crackiness ensues. It's a rom-com with gropage!
warnings bad accents, fattening food and Italian stereotypes.

intriguing snippet: “Jim. This isn’t a car - it’s fuckin’ shoe,” Bone hisses, “How’re we gonna fit all our stuff in there? How the hell are we gonna fit in there?”

The Ship
Kirk/McCoy (AOS), pg-13, approx 900 words
Summary: Bones doesn’t like Jim’s hat.

Intriguing snippet: “Uncle Jim, you stretched my hat!” Joanna giggled, scrabbling for his hands as he rammed the hat down over her head so she couldn’t see.

Les mots justes (les marques permanentes) co-written by blcwriter and sangueuk
For 2010, rps_bigbang
approx 42,160, nc-17, Chris Pine/Karl Urban
Warnings: Open relationship/adultery, Karl's family, angst, offscreen het sex, smut, joints, French novels, lots of use of the word "princess," Zach Quinto and Anne Hathaway as fairy godmothers of sorts

Summary: Words and memories leave marks as deep as rings, tanlines, stupid hats and tattoos. It's those moments of pain and pleasure that add up in a love affair-- or whatever you call it-- until it's too much to bear, one way or the other. But some marks can't be erased, and some words, said or unsaid, can't be taken back once the moment is past. What happens as Chris and Karl go from friends to lovers, then nothing-- is their summation of moments all done, or does it add up to something-- come out as words-- worth holding on to?

intriguing snippet: He knows it's infantile, sure-- but it's his birthday party and Karl's been separated from her for ... a while.

Title: Cabin Fever - ‘deleted scene’ from ‘Let Mots Justes (les marques permanentes)
approx 3,000 words, nc-17, Chris Pine/Karl Urban - RPS

A Matter of Time

A Kirk/McCoy (AOS) lovestory in 10 parts for startrekbigbang 2010.
nc-17, approx 65,7000 complete

summary An AU set in the Trek universe which explores a different beginning for Jim and Bones. Leonard McCoy suffers from chrono impairment, a genetic disease which causes him to time travel against his will. When teenage McCoy travels back in time and meets Jim Kirk aged six, in a meadow in Iowa, it is the beginning of a close friendship which will mark both their lives forever. The story tracks Kirk and McCoy’s relationship, McCoy’s search for a cure and Jim’s path to finding himself.

intriguing snippet “Even when there are other people, there’s only us. You’re the one told me that when I was just a kid.”

Title: Cabin Fever - ‘deleted scene’ from ‘Let Mots Justes (les marques permanentes)
approx 3,000 words, nc-17, Chris Pine/Karl Urban - RPS

Summary: Spring 2009, the publicity tour. On the long flight from Sydney to Hong Kong, everyone in first class is asleep… except Chris and Karl.

intriguing snippet: Karl leans across the small space between them, drops the phone onto Chris’ lap and slouches back, waits, this look on his face that makes Chris want to lick and punch him at the same time.

Awarded a gold medal in the jim_and_bones Rec Olympics 2012 for best RPS!

Venite Adoremus
Kirk/McCoy (AOS), pg, approx 3,200 words complete

summary It’s very early Christmas morning; McCoy has a religious experience - kind of.
For space_wrapped

intriguing snippet: Leonard wrestles a gloved hand from his pocket and thumbs towards the ‘POW’,
the Place of Worship -- neon lit and squatting apologetically on the corner of Chestnut and Steiner.

“I need to go in here. You want to come? “Leonard asks.

Posted 2011

Reunion 1/1
nc-17,Kirk/McCoy, approx 1000 words complete
Summary: in the afterglow, Jim kisses Bones - PWP
Intriguing snippet: An insatiably curious tongue explores McCoy’s hot mouth, running over bumps and ridges, the cut of teeth tickling, the build of saliva welcoming.

Welcome Aboard 1/1 (mirrorverse)
Adult, mirror!Kirk/Mirror!McCoy (AOS), McCoy ‘junior’, approx 1800 words complete
Summary: Most of the way through their third mission, McCoy has died some months back. Mirror!Jim is handling it. He meets Bones’ kid, eighteen year old Cadet McCoy for the first time in ten years.
Author’s notes: Just for ‘fun’ I decided to turn Joanna McCoy into a son, rather than daughter. I blame Ian Somerhalder who’s the ‘actor’ playing the role of eighteen year old Joseph McCoy.

Blue Valentine 1/1
nc-17, Kirk/McCoy, approx 8,300 words
Summary: Academy fic in response to this prompt at the jim_and_bones Sweethearts Challenge - #44 - BAD BOY: Valentine's Day party at the Academy. Bones is sick of Jim overlooking him in favour of sexy young things, and decides to dress up like a seriously hot bad boy to get his attention. Apologies, prompter if it doesn’t quite follow the brief!

Intriguing snippet: This isn’t Bones - Bones is a slob. Bones wears faded shit -- tattered jeans and beat-up sneakers. He doesn’t dress for the ball.

One Size Fits All 1/1 (RPS)
nc-17, Chris Pine/Karl Urban, approx 2,480 words (complete)
Summary: Chris tries to persuade Karl that the only thing to wear with a dinner jacket is a traditional bow-tie.

Intriguing snippet: “If you don’t wear a proper bow-tie, I’m not going to watch it on TV,” Chris pouts. “You’re a star now - you gotta have some standards?”

The Look 1/1 (mirrorverse)
nc-17, mirror!Kirk/mirror!McCoy, approx 7,600 words (complete)
Summary: Jim teaches McCoy a lesson in gratitude. Thing is, will McCoy get it and change his ways? This is for the 2011 km_anthology prompt - ‘public sex’.

Intriguing snippet: . In the general run of the mill day on the ship, he gets away with murder, so to speak, but here, now, the way Jim’s eyes flash to ice in an instant, fear grips his heart. Maybe he’s misjudged.

Blood Ties
A Kirk/McCoy lovestory in 6 parts for startrekbigbang 2011.
nc-17,~112,000 words complete
summaryVampire!Jim owes the McCoy family a debt of honor. Over the centuries, he finds himself drawn to various re-incarnations of McCoy, male and female. Will Jim atone for his sins and be able to persuade McCoy to be his, thereby ending his eternal loneliness, or will he be damned to continue his immortal life alone? The story begins in 18th century New Orleans, and continues through Victorian London, modern day Los Angeles and Virginia, war-scarred, early 22nd century Iowa and finally, 23rd century Iowa and San Francisco.

Intriguing snippet: Leo can tell he’s being watched. He’s certain of it; over the past two days the same tall figure vibrates in his peripheral vision like a mirage, yet each time he looks, the dark blond hair, the rustle of fine clothing, turns to shadow.

Days of Saturn
Mirrorverse with: MU!Kirk/MU!McCoy, MU!Kirk/MU!Pike, MU!Pike/MU!McCoy, nc-17 , ~ 10, 350 complete - part 3 in ‘The Planets’ series.

1 - Planets in Alignment
2 - Venus Ascending

summary:The Academy - It’s the winter solstice, bang in the middle of the week long Saturnalia celebrations. McCoy was hoping to keep out of trouble by working double shifts at the hospital. Captain Pike summons him for his annual review and a little festive ‘fun’. Imagine McCoy’s surprise when Cadet Kirk is also present. For space_wrapped 2011.

Intriguing snippet: In some other universe, somewhere, maybe mid-winter festival is fun, but here - it’s fucking dangerous shit .

Posted 2012

Zing! Went the Strings of my Heart! (23rd century AU, Star Trek (AOS)) WIP
Kirk/McCoy, Chekov/Sulu, Spock/Uhura, Chapel, Rand, Number One, Pike, nc-17, approx 25,000 words
Summary: Having witnessed a bloody massacre by mobster Nero on St. Valentine’s Day, musicians Jim Kirk and Hikaru Sulu are forced to flee for their lives. With Nero’s men in pursuit, they disguise themselves as women and join an all female band at the beginning of a three week residency on Risa. It’s a great idea…until Jim falls in love with lead singer, Leonard McCoy, who is all man, and totally gay with a fatal attraction for sax players. Like Jim, except…he thinks Jim’s a girl. written for the Reel Love Rom Com challenge on jim_and_bones and is a 23rd century AU based heavily on the fabulous, ‘Some Like it Hot’

Intriguing snippet: “It is an inefficient use of your time, attempting to engage the doctor in any romantic relationship,” Spock says sagely, “his sexual proclivities are directed exclusively towards members of his own sex.”

part 1

part 2

part 3

by norfolkdumpling

Title: The Brightest of the Planets is Mars (MU), nc-17, approx 6,300
Prompt: kink - tending to minor wounds
Summary: Much to his annoyance, the sight of Jim a little beat up turns McCoy on. He doesn’t like these feelings and hides out in his office. Jim goes to find him.
intriguing snippet: McCoy’s cock is wide awake already. Damn it, he’s a doctor, he’s immune to this shit; it’s as ridiculous as a florist being overwhelmed, turned on, by the smell of flowers. Jesus, what the hell is wrong with him?

for km_anthology 2012: and is part of the ‘Planets in Alignment’ series. Previous parts:
1. Planets in Alignment
2. Venus Ascending
3. Days of Saturn

Kirk/McCoy, nc-17 ,approx. 2,000 words
summary PWP, folks! Jim and Bones are on shore leave, they have the house to themselves and there’s a blindfold! Commentfic Inspired by This Picture on the Semi-Weekly man-on-man feature at


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