May 10, 2010 00:08
Oh my God, Chapter 6.
I am not going to get out of this game without sobbing like a baby, am I?
May 08, 2010 22:47
oh my god Mother 3 why you break my heart like this
May 05, 2010 02:40
Been listening to various vocal tracks from the Mother/Earthbound games.
It is basically the greatest thing. Kind of like that feeling when you come home after a long day at work and you just sort of collapse into your favorite chair.
Apr 28, 2010 16:09
2x+3y-4z= 11
x+2y-5z= 15
3x+5y+3z= -8
Ready go
seriously this is like the only thing I have trouble with for some reason
Apr 27, 2010 23:59 night without nightmares or panic attacks would be cool.
Apr 20, 2010 00:05
Just watched the new episodes.
I like that this Doctor has a flaw.
Well, I mean, a real flaw, that is part of the stories.
Not Ten's flaw of "I am a huge douche to everyone I meet and basically act like I am the hottest shit around and no one will ever call me on it ever so there."
Apr 16, 2010 00:14
Prostitution is not the oldest profession. Because someone had to do something in order to pay the prostitute.
Apr 12, 2010 20:37
It is becoming so hard for me to play a game that doesn't have save states and turbo mode.
Ten year old me was not this impatient, I am sure of it.