I forgot sign-ups again so I'm pinch hitting. I'm not expecting anything, so if you write from one of my prompts it will be an amazing Christmas surprise. ( Dear Lovely Author )
If you are reading this, it means that you are already super awesome! I missed sign-ups by a hair this year, but I’m pinch hitting, so I figured I’d throw my requests up just in case
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The hardest part of healing may be watching others go through the same struggles, knowing that you're powerless to help them until they are willing to accept it.
Thank you so much for writing a story for me! I hope you have as much fun writing it as I'm sure I will have reading it. I left my sign-ups pretty open so if you want more to work with just follow the cut.
Today's running around included a visit with a well known pop artist to a strange, high-profile military offshoot of a public high school
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