May 06, 2010 09:17
It turns out that Jonathan may (it's NOT 100%) show photos of me at Artwalk tomorrow. I'd love to go, but don't have transportation. If you're local, already planning to get there on the early side, and can justify passing through the Maple Leaf neighborhood, would you be willing to give me a ride? Please let me know?
Mar 27, 2010 18:31
... going into a day-long set of software engineer interviews, mis-writing "public:" as "pubic:" on the whiteboard while coding in two different interviews, and then realizing in the late afternoon, as you depart, that your fly is unzipped and probably has been since lunchtime.
Mar 05, 2010 02:10
Hey, I'm making my past journal entries friends-only -- I'm feeling a little more privacy-conscious these days. If you really want to see it all, just ask -- I'm very likely to grant you access (but it may take me a while to get a round tuit).