Title: Absentia
Pairing: Sehun/Kai; minor!(Sehun/Tao, Kai/Luhan, Sehun/Kris); slight!Sehun/Yixing
Rated: G
Summary: Sehun wishes to see the future. He unknowingly jumps in time and loses five years in the past. Slowly, he realizes, he didn't only lose time. He lost a lot.
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Comments 41
Luhan is Kai's new boyfriend right? Poor Sehun, he's really clueless about what happened in those blasted 4 years!
At least there's Tao though.. despite splitting ways 4 years ago, but yeah at least there's Tao ='(
now i have the same question too,How much did Sehun change?
and i wonder when would Dr. Wu make an appearance.
Thank you so much for reading!
And Dr. Wu. :) Not in the next part, but who knows?
but i think that sehun let the fame of being the editor in cheif take over him and left his friends or smthing idk
or he suddenly fell in love with kris (?????)
sjdsjdsdjemamsmsekwa How much did Sehun change? ;w;
i hope sehun finds a friend soon
That is going to be interesting. But we'll know soon. :)
Thank you for the comment! Sehun did change so much didn't he? But how, we'll see.
Thank you for the comment!
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*heals your heart*
omg this just broke my heart. my poor baby sehunnie~ I understand kai that he already has Luhan but .. ;A;
i'm glad that Tao still by Sehun's side even sehun did something wrong to him(?) in the past.
waiting for your replying because it means the new chapter! lol
So I guess you know the next part's up? Haha thank you!
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