Night 50
Wakes up in a strange place ||
intercom Day 51
Breakfast with
HaseoArts and Crafts with
Rei ||
intercomLunch with
HK-47Sun Room
Dinner Day 52
Breakfast with
Sun Room
Night Day 53
Breakfast with
GuybrushSun Room with
Depth ChargeLunch with
AigisThe Music Room is a filthy lie. Oh, hello,
Sakura (Kinomoto)
Dinner. Hello,
Senna! Day 54
Breakfast with
KairiAsleep for three shifts; misses all the fun stuff
Dinner with
Day 55
Cleaning with
GrenSun Room
Lunch with
Depth Charge Showers Night Day 56 (Doyleton)
Bus ride with
AigisOn to Magus Park where she comes across
Gren. Certain things Maya thought about in this thread are untrue. orz
Acquired a souvenir at
Mountain AntiquesDinner.
Hello, Rose!Night
Day 57
Chapel with
Library with
SeishinArts and Crafts with
Mike Meekins Day 58
Breakfast with
Lunch with Major Cartwright
Arts and Crafts with
Guybrush Dinner Night ||
radio &
intercom Day 59
Lunch with Sora
Sun Room with Tolten ||
intercom Dinner with soldiers and other patients
Night Day 60
Breakfast with the Scarecrow. (
This is the best post.) ||
intercom Dinner