Seriously, I didn't forget about Pageboy Week. Just ran out of time. Since I'm not letting 2009 go utterly pageboyless, have a hasty Gedoumaru doodle. PB-cut shikigami? Sorachi, stop feeding me.
UH super late con report but I'm going to get it done anyways. Ahaha, actually I wrote one up a week after it happened but then it got eaten in a data maelstrom and I didn't feel like writing another one. Condensed version this time and I might've forgotten bits in the meanwhile :V. ( A16 )
Late notice? Sure, but I'm -still- working on crap so AUUGH.
Cho-cho, baby!
Animethon 16 coming up tomorrow! I won't be down on Friday but I'll be working Saturday and Sunday in the Artist Alley. Table 32 with the Corrmeister (we'll be on the windowed side of the room)! The Cousin should also be working adjacent to us if plans haven't gone
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That Cover Girl commercial with Rihanna keeps popping up on the TV. Every time it does, I think, "Damn, she looks really, really familiar". And then I figured it out.
Whee, so back from Calgary Comic Expo over the weekend.
Admittedly, I wasn't all that pumped to head down until I actually got there haha (still have that everlooming workload and I could have used the weekend to catch up on that). Shoved aside the guilt once we hit the site and really had a good time instead.
Now, I didn't forget about Pageboy Week. Due to a giant load of recent family issues and general busyness, I've decided to leave them planted in the ground a little while longer. Don't worry, I'll make sure the festivites are grand when we get the late harvest going!