People who become big in their area, be it a career field or anything, generally are so because they work hard, and have loads of self confidence
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Curtains are done & hanging at last. I can now start making SCA stuff again. I'll be embroidering a povoinik this week, i think. I'm also researching methods of making that modest little cap I keep thinking about. I bought a toy to make wire coils, which i'll do with 30gauge to make the sort of coils seen in 16th C embroideries
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So.... Wide trim (like 2.25") does not like round necklines. So instead what I did was cut, fold in, tuck, and pin a bunch of PIECES of the trim, to form almost a starburst array around the neckline. Waffling about including couched cord too... that might be going too far or it might bring it all together. Hmmm.
Really. Just serged off the trim so it can be applied. Then, I'd gone out and bought 4 spools of matching thread for my current project for Aleksei, and I was able to serge off all the raw ends on that.