Stargate Atlantis Secret Santa 2005 Master List

Dec 27, 2005 23:14

Master List:

lunasky wrote 12 Days of Christmas, McKay/Sheppard
trixiesfic wrote A Little Faith, McKay/Sheppard
tielan wrote And In That Dreaming Weep, Sheppard/Teyla
isiscolo wrote Androcles And The Lion, Beckett/Dex
scap3goat wrote Another Chance, Sheppard/Doggett (X-Files crossover)
witchqueen wrote Arrangements Must be Made, McKay/Sheppard, McKay/Dex
alfirin_kirinki wrote Be Careful What You Wish For, McKay/Zelenka
ekaterinn wrote Blood and First Snow, McKay/Sheppard
mboyd wrote But How Do You Really Feel?, McKay/Sheppard
terrie01 wrote By the Light of Evening Stars, Zelenka/Weir
severusslave wrote Changes And Consequences, McKay/Sheppard
aella_irene wrote Christmas Party, Teyla/Lorne, Brown/McKay, Cadman/Beckett, Sheppard/OFC, minor Weir/Caldwell, minor Weir/Dex
voleuse wrote Cinderella Before Midnight, Gen
moonlettuce wrote Coins, Zelenka/Weir, Zelenka/Dex
temaris wrote Days Under Different Stars, McKay/Sheppard
saeva wrote Dissolved Girl, Sheppard
finiz wrote Do I Have Too...?, McKay/Sheppard, McKay/Dex, McKay/Sheppard/Dex. McKay/other (non-con)
sethoz wrote Do Not Meddle in the Affairs, McKay/Sheppard
cedara wrote Downtime, Weir/Emmagan, McKay/Sheppard
verstehen wrote Ducks And Other Things That Quack, Gen
dirty_diana wrote Fall, Sheppard/Weir
murron wrote Fearless, Gen
mandysbitch wrote Flawed, McKay/Sheppard
summerfling wrote Friday I'm In Love, Lorne/Zelanka pre-slash
angelee79912 wrote Fruit Basket, McKay/Sheppard/Dex
hyperfocused wrote Ghost in the Machine, McKay/Sheppard
suaine wrote Grains of Sand, McKay/Sheppard
callmerizzo wrote Home, McKay/Sheppard
wisdomeagle wrote In The Margins, McKay/Weir
auburnnothenna wrote Inflated, McKay/Sheppard
forcryinoutloud wrote Jingle Wings, McKay/Sheppard
carleton97 wrote July 13, 1937, McKay/Sheppard
wickedwords wrote Lesser Homes And Gardens, Lorne/Parrish
kerry_louise wrote McKay Squared, McKay/Beckett
tarlanx wrote Momentary Weakness, McKay/Kavanagh
burningchaos wrote Movie Night, McKay/Sheppard
filenotch wrote N+1, Weir/Sheppard/McKay
eretria wrote Night Spirits, Gen
dr_dredd wrote Nil Desperandum, Gen
burningchaos wrote Oh God, Oh God, McKay/Sheppard
maverick4oz wrote Orbit, McKay/Ronon
moonlettuce wrote Out of the Kingdom, McKay/Sheppard
sageness wrote Pacing the Cage, Sheppard/Dex
temaris wrote Parallax, McKay/Sheppard
hallucinogenia wrote Peach Pit, McKay/Dex
amothea wrote Prisoners, McKay/omc (non-con), Sheppard/omc (non-con)
workerb wrote Retreat, Gen
moonlettuce wrote Rhythm, Teyla/Ronon
diluvian wrote Scavenger Hunt, McKay/Sheppard
alyse wrote Seachange, McKay/Sheppard/Weir
seiyaharris wrote Seconds Drawing Out, McKay/Sheppard
GirlGoneMadd wrote Secret Santa Surprise, McKay/Sheppard
missyvortexdv wrote Secreted, McKay/? (recurring female red-head, guess who...), with hints of possible McKay/Sam, McKay/Cadman and also Cadman/Beckett and Zelenka/Heightmeyer
cosmic_llin wrote Secrets, Stackhouse/Markham
na paisti wrote Seek and You Will Find, McKay/Sheppard
pegasusuroborus wrote So This Is Christmas, Gen
angelic_mand wrote Starting Over series, Teyla/Elizabeth
asjbg wrote Stop All The Clocks, McKay/Sheppard
gwendolen wrote Storm Breaking, McKay/Sheppard
yin_again wrote Suddenly At Last, McKay/Sheppard
msgordo wrote Team Spirit, McKay/Dex
hth_the_first wrote The Bee-Charmer, Teyla/Ronon
trixiesfic wrote The Best Bad Idea in Two Galaxies, McKay/Sheppard
andromeda05 wrote The Dance, McKay/Weir
tigs wrote The Long Way Home, Gen
fluffyllama wrote The Road Less Traveled, McKay/Sheppard
lamardeuse wrote The Road To Nevada, McKay/Sheppard
emma_in_oz wrote The Secret Garden, Lorne/Parrish
sian1359 wrote The Sweet Spot, McKay/Sheppard/Beckett
kat_lair wrote The taste of maybe, McKay/Zelenka
gentle_zephyr wrote There Be Dragons, McKay/Sheppard
skandrae wrote Things Invisible To See, McKay/Weir
buddhawitch wrote Thinking of Rodney, McKay/Sheppard
roguish_angel wrote Third Times A Charm, Sheppard/Teyla
cupidsbow wrote Thrill Ride, McKay/Sheppard
rosewildeirish wrote through a glass darkly, McKay/Zelenka
tiranog wrote To Drive Away the Winter Cold, McKay/Sheppard
margueritem wrote Too Many Cooks Spoil The Broth, McKay/Sheppard
deaniebtvs wrote Untitled, Teyla
moonlettuce wrote Water Flowing Underground, Gen
jeddy83 wrote What Lies Between, McKay/Zelenka
tarlanx wrote Whispered Conversations, McKay/Sheppard
moonlettuce wrote William Shakespeare's In My Cat, Hermiod/Novak, McKay/Sheppard
kareswen wrote Word Games, Zelenka/Lorne pre-slash
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