Title: "gravity can't forget to pull me back to the ground again" Fandom: Storm Hawks Theme/Prompt: 58. enemy gate, 64damn_prompts Characters/Pairings: Aerrow, Dark Ace Rating: K A/N: i have no idea where this came from. D:
Title: "it's not enough to say that i miss you" Fandom: Storm Hawks Theme/Prompt 61. stories, 64damn_prompts Characters/Pairings: light Dark Ace/Aerrow Rating: K A/N: inspired by psychelogical's charming microfic meme ( link )
Title: "you're irresistible and i'm insatiable" Fandom: Storm Hawks Theme/Prompt 32. linger, 64damn_prompts Characters/Pairings: Dark Ace/Aerrow Rating: K A/N: something that’s been tumbling around my head for a while now.
Title: "it's only real when you're not around" Fandom: Storm Hawks Theme/Prompt 4. lost scene, 64damn_prompts Characters/Pairings: light Dark Ace/Aerrow Rating: K A/N: wanted to try DA's POV. Sort of. D:
Title: "they say perfection’s always right around the corner" Fandom: Storm Hawks Theme/Prompt 33. charm, 64damn_prompts Characters/Pairings: barely-even-there Dark Ace/Aerrow Rating: K A/N: inspired by 'Age of Heroes'.
Title: "smile, this city's burning down" Fandom: Storm Hawks Theme/Prompt 16. rip, 64damn_prompts Characters/Pairings: Dark Ace/Aerrow Rating: T A/N: Fun times on a skimmer. :D
Title: Beam Fandom: Storm Hawks Characters/Pairings: Aerrow, light Finn/Piper Genre: General, Romance Rating: K Words: 438 Summary: Finn makes an interesting discovery about the Storm Hawks only female member.