Title: Speed of Falling Fandom: STXI Pairing: Spork! Rating: PG (I think...) Summary: "He's going 125 miles per hour and the wind is whipping so hard around his ears, he screams just to be able to hear himself." Notes: Heh, this came out of nowhere.
Title: Blurring Realities Fandom: STXI RPS Pairing: Pinto, Spork (yeah, I know) Rating: PG-13 Summary: Zach thought he was born to play Spock. He didn't know how right he was.
I wonder what I should call this. A comic would be a rather long stretch since I didn't do anything but cut paste movie stills and write semi-spoofy subtitles. Oh well. It was fun.
Title: Summer Assessment Fandom: KHR Characters: Colonello, Reborn, hints of Colonello/Lal Mirch and Reborn/Luce Written for naniaru for the khr_exchange09