Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3Chapter 4
When Jun returned home that day, he was greeted by a worried Aiba.
“Why didn’t you answer your phone last night? Where were you? We were all so worried about you when you didn’t return!!”
Jun remembered that Aiba had called him. In fact, that was the reason he was so pissed and slammed his phone shut after turning it off. However, he didn’t bother answering the phone. It wasn’t because he was he was afraid of him finding out, it was because he was angry that the phone vibrating disturbed his moment of passion with Mao.
Jun answered politely, “I’m sorry, my phone ran out of battery last night. I went out for a drive and fell asleep in my car.”
He felt a little embarrassed saying the last sentence but it was worth it when he thought of what a satisfying night he had. Aiba heaved a sigh of relief and just asked Jun not to make him so worried anymore.
The next few weeks passed rather quickly. Most of her time was spent with Jun if she wasn’t at work. Although Jun had insisted that she kept on going out with Aiba until he figured that the time was right to tell him, Mao knew that he didn’t know how to tell his brother that he was dating his girlfriend.
She did just that.
She went out for dinner with Aiba each time he asked her out, although it wasn’t as often as before because he seemed to be busy with his work.
However, Mao felt different when she was with Aiba now. It’s as if she didn’t look forward to be with him like before although she felt like he was someone special to her. She still loved him, but in a different way now. Her longing to have him by her side all the time, like in the past 2 years, started to fade day by day. She still loved hearing his voice, telling her amusing stories, which made her laugh, but it wasn’t the same as last time. He seemed to be just a close friend to her now.
Aiba felt weird lately. It wasn’t like Jun to ‘accidentally’ fall asleep in his car. He couldn’t think of a decent explanation to that. Was Jun hiding something from him? If so, what was it? He wasn’t exactly acting weird lately or anything. He went to work as usual and he went for his usual trips to the pub after work, or at least he thought so. It was Jun’s routine to do that every day. Or maybe he was spending a longer time outside than usual, away from him? Aiba never really understood Jun completely although he was his brother. Jun was cold, and he didn’t talk much. He never told people how he really felt.
One day, Aiba asked Mao about what she thought about Jun in order to get a second opinion.
“You know, that day, Jun didn’t come home.”
Her noticed that there was a tinge of surprise written on her face.
“He didn’t? W...why?”
“Well... he apparently fell asleep in his car....which is weird! Jun isn’t that kind of a clumsy person like me! Don’t I seem like that kind of person who is likely to suddenly fall asleep in my car?”
Mao laughed but Aiba could see that she was somewhat relieved.
“You do! Hahahaa~”
Speaking about Mao, she seemed a bit different too. Aiba didn’t realize when she had changed. He didn’t know anymore. She seemed the same, but yet different. He didn’t know how to describe it but something in him just felt that way.
-end of chapter 4-
A really short chapter!! Haha XDD Too short, IMHO.
So, I will have a double update today!
Comments/feedback/opinions are much appreciated ^^
Chapter 5 6 7 8 9 10 11