How do I take a default replacement outfit and turn it into custom for sims 2?
For example, nrjsims has TF denim skirts that are Maxis mesh but are default only. If I want the skirts in custom version how do I do the conversion? Thank you.
If I use clothing and hair hiders will NPCs still wear their Maxis uniforms, etc? Can I use hiders and NPC clothing defaults and will the NPCs show up in default clothes?
Which are the best tutorials you all use for creating for Sims 2? Clothes, Hairs, Objects-- whatever.
I typically use the MTS tutorials because they've been around so long but sometimes they are so old that I am not sure if there is an easier way. Sometimes MATY confuses me. So I am asking you :)
I love the idea of default replacements and think that most of the outfits people use are things I'd download anyway-- which got me thinking. In terms of keeping my downloads folder small and increasing game speed/decreasing lags
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If I change a Sims's skintone in SimPE is it changed genetically once I commit? Meaning will their babies have a shot at the new skin or are they stuck with S2 forever?
I have a number of tattooed skins in regular colors. If I gen them at 1.00+, how will that play out in my neighborhood? Will it show on townies? Will the skin be passed on or only if say the parents are 1.00 and 2.00?
Is there such a thing as a fixed or cleaned uberhood/megahood without the townies? I'd like to keep the Maxis families and any townies they know but the rest I don't care for. Thanks for reading.
I'm trying to make a totally custom neighborhood with CAS made townies and npcs. I have all expansions; so which npcs can I and can't I make? Is there a tutorial I can follow?