I need a job, and my parents are being anus' about it. I actually enjoy working, you get something out of it. With school, I dont really see that you get something out of it, all it is is bootcamp for a desk job, and I dont really want a desk job, and everything im learning in school right now, will have no impact on my future life it seems. Who
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So its official, ive seem to manage to piss off just about every female I know with an exception of a couple (Alex, Natalie, both Emilys). So my moms suprememly pissed at me because I suggested she get a job when she was whining about money problems. Whatever. So maybe its something with me and its not people, I dont know. *sigh
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I.Am.So.Fucking.Tired. I think this is the start of what I dub the "three days in hell". Ill explain that for people who dont know what im talking about, I survive on 5 hours or less of sleep per night, and im usually fine, but every 3 weeks, theres about three days where im just drop dead tired, and I feel like a zombie
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Today was a half day (for explanation read previous post). After school I went downtown with: Alex, Allie, Andrea, Denny, Josh, Paula, Natalie, Char, Kevin, Kirsten, Emily R, Emily V, and Michelle. Sorry if I forgot anyone
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Got progress reports today. Everything is okay, except for my Spanish grade, which I am failing. I saw Conor McNamara in the halls today, and he asked what my spanish grade was, and I told him it was an F, and he has the same grade. Its just like old times for us (me and Conor had Tibs together and barely passed the class
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